

Underneath all the ways you identify yourself—your name, age, body, race, profession, attributes, and accomplishments—at your very core, who are you?  This is the question that we are exploring in depth today. The simple answer is: you are pure consciousness. And you have the power to elevate your consciousness, be more of who you truly are, and change how you experience every moment of your life.  You have the power to see the world, yourself, and other people in a way that is enlightening, empowering, and conscious—and I want to share a few powerful tools to help you tap into that power today.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Why timeless, nameless, faceless consciousness exists underneath our name, race, age, political identity, and every other so-called descriptor that identifies who we are. The potential problems with identifying who you are based on superficial attributes. How to take a step back from your consciousness and liberate yourself from the emotions you’re feeling in any given moment. How to recognize the role