About Ibd

Kelly Owens: Vagus Nerve Girl



What is the next innovation in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)? Is it the microbiome? Stem cells? Or, is it the emerging field of bioelectric medicine? IBD is a complicated disease to treat and can bring complications and other, related conditions. The problem is the immune-mediated nature of the disease and how it affects the entire body. For Kelly Owens, who lives with Crohn’s disease, bioelectric medicine has bumped her into remission and changed her life in several ways. Today she goes by "Vagus Nerve Girl” because she had a device implanted in her chest that stimulates her vagus nerve. For her, this treatment has been a resounding success. Episode page and transcript can be found at: https://aboutibd.com/?p=1984 Concepts discussed in this episode: TED Talk: How electricity could replace your medications - Neurosurgeon Kevin Tracey Discovery and Functions of Acetylcholine What Is Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS)? Find Kelly Owens on Twitter, Facebook,  and Instagram and on her blog, Vag