About Ibd

Healthcare Disparities in IBD



Hey, it's Amber. I want to tell you about my limited podcast series, Healthcare Disparities in IBD. IBD used to be thought of as a Western disease. Something that happened in developed countries like the United States, Canada, the UK, and Australia. IBD was also thought to mainly affect White people and people of Jewish heritage. However, these demographics are changing, and IBD is now considered a global disease.[1] A harmful and pervasive misconception is that IBD does not affect people of various ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Minority patients are sometimes told that they can't have an IBD because they are of African, Latinx, Native American, or Asian descent. This leads to a delay in diagnosis and care. In the setting of IBD, which is difficult to treat, this can lead to significant complications that negatively affect every aspect of a person's life. In this limited series, we explore the ways in which the healthcare system is underserving minority and LGBTQ patients who live with an IBD. We cover the