About Ibd

Don't Let IBD Ruin Your Day



Did you know that more than 70% of people with IBD have reported bathroom accidents (fecal incontinence)? Did you also know that only around 20% ask for help from their physicians? It’s a sensitive topic, to be sure, which is why I offer advice on how to cope with this problem and how to avoid it in the first place. If you’re struggling with this issue I have tips that you can use today but the best advice is to talk to your doctor about it (and I discuss that also!). 2:53: IBD is not a pooping disease! 3:34: 8AM classes — everyone else hates them ‘cause they’re hung over. You hate them because IBD. 4:28: Contact the student services office at your university about getting accommodations. 5:19: IBD is covered under the Americans With Disabilities Act, which means that you can ask for reasonable accommodations. 6:23: Yeah, I’m gonna come down on coffee and how it affects your digestive tract. 8:18: Not eating/drinking in the morning: how that can be good or bad depending on circumstances. 10:13: Why a lack of