Radhaa Nilia

Women Who Write: Womb Rage



Calling all writers, healers, channelers, and anyone with a womb or ( womb space/ hara line). All parts of our body are sacred. Our wombs are portals from which a new world is born. They are places of Alchemy. Places where power is stored. But there are some places we've been told to ignore. Not anymore. This workshop helps you connect with your deep untethered RAGE to tap into your creativity, wisdom, and limitless power. Join us for a sacred ceremony honoring your Womb Rage in all its glory! We will alchemize and co-create through writing, healing, sacred sisterhood, and journeying together. Womb Rage is a powerful journey of unleashing your Inner Oracle. Wombs are Oracles. They will always tell you the truth and show you where the deepest healing lives. Now more than ever, we are faced with unprecedented times, and it is important to experience deeper embodiment. Our Womb is asking us to connect to it for many reasons. We have forgotten our way, and the Sovereign Womb is very much needed within our field i