Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Hi Gang:  Happy Friday! The lead story is obviously the FBI Search of the personal home of former President Trump.  We also need to consider many other issues, for example the provisions of the “Deficit Reduction Act” that also includes the hiring of some 87,000 IRS agents and the immigration crisis continues and the Governor of Texas continues to send bus loads of illegal aliens toNYC and Washington, DC. Finally, Iran continues to threaten America and Americans even as the Biden Administration continues to negotiate with Iran about its nuclear program  Armed man arrested after trying to gain access to Iranian dissident’s home in NYC Mike Pompeo also a target in alleged Iranian assassination plot against John Bolton. Earlier today, it was reported:  Author Salman Rushdie attacked at New York event It has never been more important that we truly learn how to speak with our fellow Americans in non-confrontational but in fact-based effective and persuasive ways.  Immigration is one issue that should unite a