Smalley Marriage Radio

Get everything you ever wanted - statement #15 from Jesus



“But I say, do not resist an evil person! If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also.” Matthew 5:39 Obeying the commands is a heart issue. If you don’t make it a heart issue, you’ll do your best to find a way around the commands of Jesus. We can’t ignore these demands by Jesus.  Obedience is the fruit of loving Jesus. How does Jesus want you to love others? ?We are no longer under the rule of reciprocity! This is about freedom from hurt and unmet expectations.  You actually don’t have to hit back, you can walk in freedom because of what Jesus did for you. In Jesus you are: Defended Restored Healed Set free Redeemed Cared for You are loved! You are accepted! You matter! And now go and give what you have received to others!