Smalley Marriage Radio

You know what you want soooo - statement #14 from Jesus



“Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets.” Matthew 7:12 In chapter 7:1-12 Jesus is addressing your attitude toward others and God, specifically being judgmental. There’s two types of judging: Hypocritica Healthy Once you get your own junk, how you approach others about theirs will be different, more compassionate and understanding. You know that God is the actual judge and you are merely trying to help out a fellow disciple of Jesus. How does Jesus want you to love others? Positive acts of love defeat a judgmental spirit. This one statement is a grand summary of all that Jesus taught about relationships with others. He wants you to be Compassionate Forgiving Understanding Empathic Frankly! All the things you are wanting from others! It’s really about turning your complaints about other people and how they are treating you into acts of love for them.   How is this possible? Trusting in Jesus that he will