Brexit Brits Abroad

EP012 | About the likely diverse impacts of Brexit for the lives of UK citizens resident in the EU27



In this episode, Michaela is joined by Dr Meghan Benton, senior policy analyst for the Migration Policy Institute. They revisit the question of who are the UK citizens who live in the EU27, highlighting the diversity of this population in terms of employment status, family circumstance and age, and talk about what Brexit might variously mean for the lives of these Britons. As they discuss, while citizens’ rights are the headlines in the negotiations, beyond legal status, there are a whole host of structures, regulations and arrangements that currently support the lives of these individuals that need to be considered in light of the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union.   Dr. Meghan Benton is a senior policy analyst at the Migration Policy Institute and the author of the forthcoming report for the Barrow Cadbury Foundation Safe or Sorry?