Bill Whittle

Bienvenidos...Now, Adios! DeSantis & Abbott Send Illegal Immigrants to Progressive Utopia



Martha's Vineyard receives a surprise gift from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who sent a busload of illegal immigrants to the upper-crust Massachusetts summer home village. After a brief Bienvenidos Brunch (read photo opp), the undocumented folk were sent packing to parts unknown. Is DeSantis' relocation program the most brilliant political move in recent memory? Are he and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott starting a long-delayed conversation about the collision of Utopian Progressive ideas and real life? Stephen Green, Bill Whittle, and Scott Ott, create five new episodes of Right Angle each week, as they've been doing since 2009, thanks to Members who give. But that's not all they do. Our Members create their own content on their own blog, forums and vibrant comments sections behind the veil at Tap the big green button to join, or the big blue button to donate at Enjoy the full Right Angle archive: