Understanding Christianity

The Baptist Catechism and God's Sovereign DECREE



Dr. Sean Cole has recently heard many non-Calvinists make these assertions: God ordains SOME things but not ALL things that come to pass. Just because God ordained the death of Christ, does not mean He ordains ALL things that come to pass. There is not one verse in the Bible that teaches God ordains all things that come to pass. God has omniscience and foreknowledge of all things, but that does not mean He ordained them to come to pass. God’s foreknowledge does not necessitate Him ordaining the event. Show me a Scripture where God made an immutable decree before the creation of the world. The assumption is that: 1) God does not have an eternal decree—the decree was not made by God before the foundation of the world 2) God does not have an immutable decree—the decree can change or be altered This podcast was originally released in July 2021, but it does address these issues. Dr. Cole interacts with three questions related to God's eternal decree and providence and shows the Reformed view in contras