Understanding Christianity

A "Flower" Bed of Fallacies--Interacting with Provisionist Theology



Pastor Sean has not interacted with Leighton Flowers' theology in a while. While listening to his critique of Allie Stuckey, Sean decided to jump back in the discussion and expose some of Flowers' fallacies. How do Calvinists differ on Roman 8 and total inability? What are some of the problems with judicial hardening and libertarian free will. What does it mean to be one of God's "sheep?" How do you prepare yourself for election with the right wedding garments? These topics and more. Check out Sean's new book "Your Identity in the Trinity" at amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Your-Identity-Trinity-Discovering-Gospel-ebook/dp/B07RWTJK9K/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1565367244&sr=8-1