Derek Flint

Epstein Aint Dead, Hong Kong & Wild Weather



Did Epstein committing suicide make the whole country forget that 2 mass shootings happened last week? Why yes, yes it did people. I told y'all keep an eye of Epstein, didn't I. If you believe that guy is dead, I have some beach front property in Nebraska to sell you, lol. Someone that rich & powerful with friends in high place, like my pops said "Either they took him out, or they took him out, lol. I also cover the protest in Hong Kong that shut down the airport there and salute them for having the tenacity that Americans can't muster. I also cover typhoon lekima, and the Heatwave in Japan that killed 50 plus people. Lastly, there was a mass shooting in Chiraq, but there's one every weekend, so people don't care. Enjoy the listen people. --- Support this podcast: