Nathan, Nat & Shaun

Nathan, Nat & Shaun Podcast - 25th May 2017



What do people roll their eyes at you for? Inspired by vegans wanting vegan sausage rolls at Bunnings… Brett doesn't drink and Bec doesn't eat pork… Except she eats bacon and ham. Brad Hill joined the guys ahead of Dockers clashing with the Crows on Saturday, he spoke about his cross eyed dog and the Indigenous round. Has a petty fight ruined a friendship? Jen's friend woke her up to tell her Michael Jackson had died and she didn't care, so they didn't speak for 6 years. Daniel reckons his sister has eaten the strawberry chocolate but she hasn't admitted to it so they're yet to speak to each other. Abbey commented on a Jeremy Clarkson post on Facebook and 6 people deleted her. Kerry's kids said they didn't want to eat the sandwich her friend had made them because she sneezed on it… They aren't friends anymore, but turns out her kids lied. Are you a fainter? Shaun's mate and his son both fainted when the doctor was talking about potential surgery to the kids face. Shane fainted when his wife got an epidural...