Nathan, Nat & Shaun

Nathan, Nat & Shaun Podcast - May 4th 2017



When have you complained, but you were wrong? David abused the wrong computer company for leaving the door open and Mel had a crack at Jamie's Italian staff for losing her booking when she realised she'd actually booked another restaurant! Brad yelled at the wrong employee for slacking off and Claire's friend complained about his beef carpaccio being cold. Des Bishop (part 1) is in town for the Perth Comedy Festival. The guys asked him about his heritage and what he's staying and what he's been up to in Perth so far. Des Bishop (part 2) spoke about learning Chinese in 17 months and going on Chinese dating shows. Gilly (part 1) came to the rescue after hearing about Nathan's big ear problems. He's the expert and told us the story of when he discovered his ears were ginormous. Gilly (part 2) spoke about how he was nervous his kids would get his ears, and the guys measured Gilly's ears to compare to Nathan's. Brad Hill joined the guys with his puppy Harry. He spoke about the disaster that was the Western...