Nathan, Nat & Shaun

Nathan, Nat & Shaun Podcast - 3rd April 2017



When you believed something that wasn't true - Nathan and Suzy learnt Picnic at Hanging Rock isn't real! Paige thought monkeys made imprints on the sand after it rained, Glenda's daughter didn’t think donkeys were real and Dean only just found out about Hanging Rock not being real and is horrified! Mortifying text message experience - former Nova employee Bec sent a msg to the wrong person calling their suburb a giant turd. Jo sent her husband a message that was supposed to go to her friend about wearing the sexy boots he'd told her not to wear out. Melissa had a fight with her friend in Bali and accidentally sent a bitchy message meant for her sister to the friend! Bec was managing a kids cricket team in South America and accidentally sent all the parents a message bitching about their kids! Dr Scott Parazynski - NASA astronaut - Perth from space, internet and reception in space, what its like to take off and how does he sleep? Dr Scott Parazynski - callers with questions. Dion wanted to know if he's seen...