The Travelers

56: Long Term Travel with Type 1 Diabetes



Today’s guests I had the fortune of meeting in person back in November while exploring Newgrange, a medieval relic north of Dublin. Like most backpackers, they were approachable and looking to meet new people. When I heard about the trip they had planned, and their plans for their website - I knew I had to bring them on the show. Since then, their journey has become something far more challenging, and affirming of their love for travel. Cassie Kramer and Oren Lieberman left their jobs in Philadelphia to take a year to see the world together, on a budget. They took the plunge that I think everyone should at some point in their lives take: To escape the corporate routine, escape the armchair, get way outside of their comfort zone, and allow themselves to have life-changing experiences. Along the way, after months of exhibiting symptoms, Oren was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. This diagnosis came after significant physical deterioration and a near fatal misdiagnosis in Nepal. They had to return home for a perio