The Travelers

22: Jason Moore on Fear and Travel Advice – Part 2



This is part 2 of my conversation with Jason Moore. Listen to part 1, From Zero to Travel with Jason Moore. Jason Moore has this concept he calls "Wanderliving." And for 15 years, he's been making full time travel a reality for himself. Today, he's helping his audience do the same on his website and podcast, Zero to Travel. When I had the idea for this show, Jason was the guy who was already out there doing it, in his own way, focusing on practical ideas, concrete resources, and actionable advice all bundled up into inspiring stories from interesting travelers. Words from an Explorer: "It's good to get comfortable with fear. Otherwise it's hard to do new things like this." Jason's Best Travel Advice: The First Step: If you’re thinking about the trip, but hesitating because you’re nervous, there’s no rule that says you can’t try it in your state. Go spend a night in a hostel in your hometown. See what it’s like. Then, buy the plane ticket. Lock yourself into it. Get your friend to buy the ticket for you, if y