Unspoiled! The Constant: Lost

The Constant - 3.19 The Brig



Ben tells Locke that he has to kill his father in order to really become One Of Them. Locke can't do it, but Richard gives him an alternative solution. So, Locke gets Sawyer to do his dirty work for him. No one is sad to see this piece of shit go. On the beach, our "campers" are tending to an injured Naomi and Charlie thinks they should get Jack to help because, well, he's a doctor. Desmond speaks for all of us in suggesting that Jack isn't so trustworthy of late, but there is another option: Sayid. Always choose Sayid, people! This leads to some minor interrogation between torturer and parachutist, and ends with her handing over her satellite phone. But then Kate is let in on the secret and immediately tells Jack what's up. Dammit, Kate!