Unspoiled! The Constant: Lost

The Constant - 3.17 Catch-22



Desmond has a flash of a parachutist, the wire into the ocean, and Charlie being speared in the throat, so he of course takes three unsuspecting companions on a "camping trip" to put all of these pieces together. They find the wire, they make their way through the jungle, Charlie escapes death, and a woman with a picture of Desmond and Penny tucked into her Portuguese copy of Catch-22 falls from the sky after bailing out of a crashing helicopter. Who's helicopter? And why does she know who Desmond is?Fair warning: we have spoilers in here for The Justice League, Game of Thrones seasons 6 and 7, and the most recent season of The Walking Dead. Oh, and I accidentally spoil Krista on something because I thought it happened in this episode. It's not a huge spoiler, don't worry. But also don't yell at me.