Unspoiled! The Constant: Lost

The Constant - 3.10 Tricia Tanaka is Dead



After last week, this episode was a joy for us to watch, and discuss. It's a good Hurley story, with a healthy dose of hilarious male bonding, and very little to take away from the fun. Plus: Vincent! We meet Hurley's dad, played by Cheech Marin (the newest member of the Lost Bad Dad Club), and it really makes us appreciate Hurley as a person more. This is a guy who was abandoned by his dad and yet he never let that define him. There is no whining from this guy about any of that. He just went on to be a sweet, thoughtful, caring guy...who happens to be cursed by some crazy numbers. We only wish his mother didn't shine in such a bad light in this episode, but otherwise, we loved it.