Unspoiled! The Constant: Lost

The Constant - 3.09 Stranger in a Strange Land



We made it, you guys. We watched, we discussed, we conquered this terrible episode. Everyone who's watched Lost knows this is the worst episode of the entire series, and many of us have been waiting to see what Krista would think of it. She did not disappoint. She also didn't threaten to quit, which is a relief.  So. In this episode we have some interesting Other Island stuff with Juliet being put on some kind of trial for killing Pickett, and Jack deciding whether or not to help her, and Ben. Three guesses where he lands, and the first two don't count. Meanwhile, the escapees make their way back to The Island, and Sawyer shows his squishy heart in giving Karl some advice.  If you want to hear what we have to say about the flashbacks, well, press play.