Progressive Spirit

Did the CIA Murder Thomas Merton?



Hugh Turley Returns to Discuss the Death of One of the 20th Century's Most Prolific and Respected Spiritual Writers (This episode would have aired Friday March 8th, 2019 but it was International Women's Day and all programming that day was hosted by women. The alternative air date for the March 8th show is Monday, March 18th, at 11:00 am Pacific. The Beloved Community will return to its regular time, every second Friday at 9 am on Friday April 12th at 9 a.m.)During the first few minutes I offer an update on the cancellation of my interview with Kevin Barrett by management and my appeal to that decision, still in progress after a year.Hugh Turley returns to the Beloved Community to discuss his work uncovering the mystery of Thomas Merton's death, December 10th, 1968 in Bangkok, Thailand. Thomas Merton was an intellectual, a prolific writer, and spiritual leader in the anti-war movement of the 60s. While biographers have all accepted the official story in some incarnation or another, that he was accidentally ki