Superwomen With Rebecca Minkoff

Rich in Mind, Rich in Heart: Chriselle Lim, Digital Influencer and Co-Founder of bümo



Chriselle Lim was an influencer before influencing was a career to aspire to. Having fun with her own YouTube channel in college, she was one of the pioneers who recognized that content could mean more than ironic memes and charming cat videos. Early on, she was invited to Rebecca’s fashion shows before fashion had tapped into the influencer market. Their friendship has been going strong ever since. Never content focusing in just one area, Chriselle has gone through a digital metamorphosis through her use of various social media platforms over the years. She has also expanded her entrepreneurial side in the co-founding of bümo, a multidimensional service aimed at providing quality educational classes to children while simultaneously equipping parents with both remote support and a place to work and receive childcare in their new co-working space debuting this spring in Los Angeles. It sounds like a lot, and it is, but Chriselle has learned that the key to success is knowing what you’re good at, diving deep, a