Superwomen With Rebecca Minkoff

When It Failed, I Wasn’t a Failure: Erin Flynn of Cladwell



Making sourdough, getting psyched for Zoom parties, and finally cleaning out your closet…the halcyon days of the early pandemic seem almost quaint now. If you’ve lost your luster, become a bit sluggish from staring at the same walls for 10 (!) months now, you’re not alone. Surrounding yourself with the same environment on repeat is tiring, but changing things up in your space can also do wonders for mental health. So if you didn’t sort through your closet last spring, doing so now may just give you the boost you’ve been missing. Erin Flynn, founder and CEO of the closet-clearing, capsule wardrobe kick-starting app, Cladwell, knows all too well how a closet of unworn, unloved clothes can drag you down. It can even impact decision making in other areas of life. Embracing her so-called failures as much as her successes, Erin shows us how making executive decisions in the dark doldrums of the closet can lighten your load and make room for your personal style, proving that in a consumerist culture, less is really