Superwomen With Rebecca Minkoff

For the Love of Brick & Mortar: Jill Manoff of Glossy



Jill Manoff loves brick and mortar, rarely gets a pedicure, and holds a soft spot for reading paper magazines on the beach. This may seem incongruous for the editor-in-chief of a high profile online publication like Glossy, but Jill knows what she likes. This hasn’t always been the case. Before Jill made the move to New York, she was working as a fashion writer, and then a stylist. Getting burnt out from overworking herself, she reached a point where she had a day off and realized she didn’t even know what she liked to do for fun anymore. This turning point forced Jill to take a look at her life, gather a new perspective, and figure out how she really wanted to spend her life. She’s still not interested in getting a massage, though. Thanks for listening! We love our listeners! Drop us a line or give us guest suggestions here, or visit on your desktop or phone to leave us a voice memo! Follow Superwomen on Instagram. Big Ideas How to work your way up