Understanding Christianity

Preaching Christ in the New Testament: Gospel Indicatives and Moral Imperatives



Dr. Sean Cole explains from the book of Ephesians how to preach Christ and the gospel. One must always root the moral imperatives in the gospel indicatives. If you only preach the commands in Scripture and do not address God's grace and our identity in Christ, this will inevitably lead to either legalism or despair. In Ephesians Chapters 1-3, Paul uses the indicative mood--how God has blessed us and who we are in Christ. In Chapters 4-6, he shifts gears to the imperative mood--specific commands for us to walk in a manner worthy of our calling. We should not confuse this order, but preach the commands in light of the truths of who we are in the gospel. If you are interested in applying for the Associate Pastor of Youth and Families, send a cover letter and email to Russell Hershberger at hersh97@bresnan.net www.seancole.net