Understanding Christianity

Preaching Christ from the OLD TESTAMENT--A Reformed redemptive-historical understanding



What is the Reformed understanding of how to preach Christ from the Old Testament? This is called the redemptive-historical Christocentric hermeneutic. In this podcast. Dr. Sean Cole explains this topic by examining two different approaches from reputable scholars. He interacts with Sidney Gredainus's "Preaching Christ from the Old Testament" and Walt Kaiser's "The Majesty of God in the Old Testament: A Guide for Preaching and Teaching" Emmanuel Baptist Church is seeking an Associate Pastor of Youth and Families. If you are interested, please submit a cover letter and resume to Russell Hershberger, chairman of our search team at: hersh97@bresnan.net Helpful resources: Sinclair Ferguson “Preaching Christ from the Old Testament” https://simeontrust.org/preaching-christ-from-the-old-testament/ The Word Became Fresh: How to Preach From Old Testament Narrative Texts by Dale Ralph Davis https://tinyurl.com/2p8en3jv Graem Goldsworthy, Gospel-Centered Hermeneutics https://tinyurl.com/bdcnrpv5 Dennis Jo