Understanding Christianity

Jesus Prays for You! LUKE 22:31-34



Dr. Sean Cole examines three truths from this passage: (1) Satan attacks believers to deny their faith in Christ; (2) Jesus as our Advocate ensures we will stay faithful to the end; and (3) Don’t be lulled into self-confidence in your struggle with sin. Here’s the point of this passage: We are weak and frail and easily tempted and open prey for the devil and in ourselves, we will never make it. We should never think we are strong enough to remain faithful to Christ. Charles Spurgeon said this about himself: "If ever it should come to pass, that sheep of Christ might fall away, My fickle, feeble soul, alas! Would fall a thousand times a day!” Left to ourselves, we would fall away from Jesus a thousand times a day. But the wonderful truth is that Jesus will NOT allow that to happen. He prays for us. He sustains us. We need Jesus as our Advocate. We need Jesus to pray for us. We need His grace to sustain us and keep us faithful to the end. www.seancole.net