Grace Church

Miracle Worker | Deconstructing Jesus | Week 02



Big Idea: Every miracle is a sign pointing to Jesus.  Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. John 20:30-31  4 Types of Miracles: 1. Healing (17) 2. Resuscitation (3) 3. Exorcism (6) 4. Nature (9)  Miracles reveal the identity and mission of Jesus: 1. Jesus is God 2. Jesus is Compassionate 3. Jesus is Messiah 4. Jesus is King  4 Reactions to Jesus: 1. Wonder & Amazement (Matthew 9:33; Luke 9:43) 2. Faith & Gratitude (Luke 19:37; Luke 17:15-16) 3. Fear & Terror (Mark 4:41; Matthew 8:34) 4. Opposition & Hatred (Matthew 12:24; John 12:10-11; John 12:37)  Next Steps: - Do you believe Him or do you reject Him? - If you believe, tell the story of the Miracle Worker and worship Him!