Jolt Of Joy

Living Water And Deep Roots



To weather the droughts and storms of life we must plant ourselves by the living water, running our roots deep into the soil of God’s word. Join Carol this week as she shares of the sustenance and hope we have in Christ, by way of John 4:13-14 and the story of 1979’s Hurricane Frederic. Join Bible teacher and best-selling author, Carol McLeod, for a dose of joy from the Word of God every week. Carol wrings the truth out of the Bible in a practical and hopeful manner. You will laugh and cry as Carol goes digging for gold in the Word in such a way that it brings purpose to ordinary lives. “A Jolt of Joy" is a podcast that you will want to add to your routine each week, posting on Monday mornings! For more information on Carol McLeod, visit   Follow Carol on Social Media: Facebook: Instagram: Read Carol’s blog Joy for the Journey: 22 YouVersi