Knowing about RC cars is very essential before stepping into the racing world. If you are still an amateur, you might crib on the fact that you aren’t able to choose the best electric powered RC car. You need an assistance to choose the best suitable car to pose against your rivals and this isn’t easy as it might sound. Electric RC cars are the ones which run on batteries. The electric batteries are in the form of battery packs. You have a choice while choosing the battery. The ‘ready to run’ or the batteries which you need to build it yourself are available. The ‘ready to run’ batteries are preferred as the work load becomes very minimal. Nitro RC cars are the ones which are tougher to maintain and they are quite expensive. RC cars that run on battery packs are easier to purchase. It is specifically designed for amateurs or beginners. However, RC car fanatics who are quite experiences use these cars for variety and comparison purposes. RC electric cars are user-friendly and they are available cheap in the market. This is their main advantage. The difference between the prices of a gasoline powered RC car and an electric RC car goes up to a hundred dollars.