Reconstruction - is a place that analyzes political and social issues that impact everyone. With a better understanding of our system can we begin to reconstruct a better society for everyone.
End Of 2018
16/01/2019 Duración: 01h04minThis was our end of the year podcast episode. We casually discussed some of the main stories that were happening toward the end of the 2018 and what we hope to see different in 2019. We will be more active in putting out content in 2019. Here's to, hopefully, a better year!
Conspiracy And Halloween Fun
16/10/2018 Duración: 53minEpisode 22 - Halloween Special - In this episode we discuss dark stories from our past, looking at conspiracy theories that turned out to be true, creepy events from the past, or in some cases, real historical events that mirror our modern day horror fiction. We'll be back with a more updated news and election info soon! Sources to be posted soon