Elevate Yourself Project is for anyone who wants to stop being an "average" and who wants a change in his living, lifestyle, and LIFE! Who is tired to listen to ''la la land" LIES that society tells them about wrong meanings of business, entrepreneurship, pursuing goals and so on."Elevate Yourself Project" Yaro Shu-mey-ko (and his guests)will share insights on how to be more motivated in life, why you should have an entrepreneurial mindset and why it will help YOU, to ELEVATE into next level in life. No fluff no Lies! Only true facts.An entrepreneur, motivator, hustler and just a simple guy Yaro wants YOU to be elevated more in life. He wants to share his views about business and why it is important to have that "entrepreneurial mindset" that can bring only prospect and nothing less! He does CPA & Affiliate Marketing business online. Yaro is passionate about helping others and helps them reach maximum prospect and elevation in life, show them why we live in one of the greatest era's of all time and why you should not sit your ass down, instead of that, start the HUSTLE!
Knock The Door First (Earn Clients Respect & Trust), with Yaro Shumeyko - EYP80
21/05/2018 Duración: 12minHave you ever realized why your business is not succeeding? I bet you are getting those questions. It's because you are not "knocking first" towards your clients. If you are an owner of a business or plan to create then understand that just standing or spamming customers won't do anything. In this, episode I will tell you why most entrepreneurs are ruining their own business and why customers and clients don't owe YOU S**t. And how to kick off finally with a sucessful business
Why People Lose During Their Success, with Yaro Shumeyko - EYP78
10/05/2018 Duración: 10minOnce you made first steps of success in what you are doing now, it is very important to not lose it ALL!! See, a lot of you get comfortable with the results and think - ''Hmm why should do I more''? Well... YOU SHOULD! Because you are just in standing in one spot and eventually the comfort will turn into getting back where you started, and then you won't start again. Think about it!
Why Most Of You Are Being Defeated By Life, with Yaro Shumeyko - EYP77
04/05/2018 Duración: 11minI want to listen to this episode really carefully, as you might be on path where you are planning to "burn" everything what you have been doing. PLEASE understand why YOUR life is so amazing and how to actually fight with the problems/situations you have and not just easily give up!
What is an ELEVATION? With Yaro Shumeyko - EYP76
03/05/2018 Duración: 13minDo you know what is an elevation? Have you ever thought about it? The elevation is being who you never thought you will be. An absolutely new YOU! Where you finally say to yourself - "I am different and I'm about to become great". I just want to leave with that thought and realize that is possible to become elevated and be who you meant to be!
The Distraction ''Syndrome", with Yaro Shumeyko - EYP75
30/04/2018 Duración: 12minThe reason why you have distractions is that you want them to happen in your life! See, maybe you don't realize it, but your subconscious does. You have a decision that you can make, either you want to focus on your goals and be determined towards them. That's why its a syndrome, its disease that we get infected by our own assumptions and irrational thinking and we choose to be drivin by it. I will tell you why you are having this and how to overcome the distractions from people that try to "purpose it" to you.
Stop Focusing On What Other People Have (Focus On Your S**t),with Yaro Shumeyko - EYP74
26/04/2018 Duración: 10minStop looking what that neighbor Johnny has or how much your best friend Suzy makes. Focus on what you have. Want to earn more? Put in the work more! Count what you have and only yours, because too many of you spend a lot of time focusing on other people's things. When you got a lot of yours that you must be focused on!
Don't Wait For A Great Day - CREATE ONE, with Yaro Shumeyko - EYP73
23/04/2018 Duración: 14minJust stop waiting for a great day, please! It's time to create them and not just one day - EVERY DAY! I want you to understand - there won't be a perfect day for you... You are simply losing your TIME! Plug your headset and listen to this roughly 14 mins and learn why creating perfect days is the best thing you can do and not procrastinate in waiting for that great day!
Learn To Earn Respect (Learn To Respect Others), with Yaro Shumeyko - EYP72
19/04/2018 Duración: 10minMost of you think you have earned respect already, but actually you have not earned anything! A lot of you think that others owe you respect for nothing or whats even worse... You are not respecting others (by social status, gender, etc). If you are willing to change yourself and want to become successful the first thing you need to start is - RESPECTING OTHERS!
Making The First Step Is The Hardest Step, with Yaro Shumeyko - EYP71
16/04/2018 Duración: 10minYou know why most of you can't achieve what you want, yet you want to so badly? YOU ARE NOT HAVING THE GUTS TO MAKE THE FIRST STEP towards what you want to achieve! To the required work that needs to be done, to the amount of pressure, the amount of time, etc. The first step is the HARDEST to make towards what you want to accomplish, there is no fast and easy way to do it, it will be HARD! But by making that first step you are already doing better then the rest 99% of people. The biggest question that I want to ask you - HOW BADLY YOU WANT TO CHANGE!?
Why People Are Weak Minded (You Can Change Your Mindset Pt.2), with Yaro Shumeyko - EYP69
12/04/2018 Duración: 10minSeveral episodes ago, I've talked about changing your mindset and why most of you can't change it (factors). In today's episode, I want to continue talking about mindset and this time why YOU have a weak mindset? As a human you are strong - emotionally, physically and mentally, but that's where the problem is - mentality is lacking due to the factors that come across life. You will find out why most people have a weak mindset and you will understand why you should get rid of it.
Stop Waiting For The "Miracle" Friday! With Yaro Shumeyko - EYP68
06/04/2018 Duración: 10minToday is Friday and you are so happy right now. You are probably forgetting everything that happened negative (bad) this week and turn yourself all of the sudden positive on Friday. See, you need to act positive, productive, grateful - every single day! To many of you live just by that 1 day... The other days, you just exclude, and throw away like trash! Be the 1% who do care about every day of their life and wait each day is it some miracle (and it is) rather then 99% of people who only see Friday as their one "miracle" (savior)
Failed Ones Doesn't Mean You Will Fail Again, with Yaro Shumeyko - EYP66
02/04/2018 Duración: 09minWE ALL FAIL at some point, and it's a normal factor in life... But what is not ok is quitting and trying again! Sure you probably will fail several times at the same thing that you do, but persistence and consistency, hard work, knowledge, focus, will lead to actually winning at the end. That's why most of you don't succeed, you accept that fail and go back to what you've been doing, whats even worser you listen to people who failed and tell not to even start changing or putting even a step of energy towards the change you wish in life.
You Are Unstoppable! With Yaro Shumeyko - EYP65
30/03/2018 Duración: 10minYou Are UNSTOPPABLE! I want to leave you with that thought because so many don't realize it. Many of are absorbed by the FACTORS, that impact us every single day, and the reason why you are no being unstoppable is YOURSELF! You do not want to deal with the problems, situations, change, etc in your life. Or maybe you are just stuck right now and trying to understand can your really go further or not... I will say - YES YOU CAN!
The Way To Be Focused, with Yaro Shumeyko - EYP64
26/03/2018 Duración: 09minMany of you probably aren't productive much thru the day. It can be many factors - fatigue, laziness, stalling, etc. Or maybe its just lack of focus? See, if you are focused, you become faster in adapting what you do and reach your goals at the end, getting the results that you want. But, yet too much of you get distracted by situations that you (scrolling social media for no reason is one of them). You will learn how to deal with it, and finally be focused and be on track into achieving the greatness that you want!
You Were Born To Win! With Yaro Shumeyko - EYP35
22/12/2017 Duración: 08minYou were born as a winner you know why? Because you were born as a human, you have a roof over you, you live in comfort And if you are not happy with what you have - then go and do what makes you happy! Problem is, you limit yourself to excuses that you can't do it when you actually can - forget the people who tell you things you can't - YOU can! I want to embrace you into understanding that, not society decides you're future,mindset,action,princapil,etc - YOU decide that and you decide if you are a winner or not!
It's More Then Just 100%, with Yaro Shumeyko - EYP7
16/10/2017 Duración: 07minMost of you are not realizing, how important is to put more than 100% of work that you do for the day. Know, how to put those addtional 10% of you're productivness that will benefit for your future success!
Stop Your Friday Nonsense, with Yaro Shumeyko - EYP6
13/10/2017 Duración: 08minSo it's Friday, and a lot of you are probably happy about it, that the week is coming to an end and you week off's. That's good, but 95% of you will go out and complain to the same people and say - "How you want to badly change your lifestyle", but you know what? That won't happen if you will continue having these Friday nights. Listen to a fresh episode and understand how to start taking action and understand that you should hustle on friday's and weekends as well.