Laurra Warnke is a professional intuitive and author of the blog Intuitive Journal. In this podcast I share my thoughts on spirituality, developing intuition, and energy healing. Other topics discussed include self-help, Akashic records, Astrology, Numerology, repeating number patterns, and other metaphysical and psychic related areas. Laurra works with the Akashic records to help you get clear on your soul level gifts and heal past life issues. She offers private individual readings and spiritual business mentoring.
Jill Borsos Interview - Transform Your Life By Knowing Your Sacred Money Archetypes
22/02/2018 Duración: 48minAre you an Accumulator, Ruler, or a Romantic? Find out how to use your Sacred Money Archetypes to own your full potential and transform your life. On today's podcast, Jill Borsos talks about how your conscious and unconscious feelings and beliefs about money keep you from climbing the corporate ladder or venturing into your own business. GUEST LINKS Website: LinkedIn: Facebook Business Page: Twitter: SACRED MONEY ARCHETYPES READING To talk to Jill about her Sacred Money Archetypes Reading Podcast $197 Special click here for her contact form. Please make sure you mention the podcast. The first three to book will be gifted a set of their very own archetype cards. Downstream: Inspired Growth For Business Owners Meetup Group Facebook Page HOST LINKS Intuitive Journal Intuitive Readings Free E-Book on Repeating Numbers and Sequences Jill Borsos Interview Jill Borsos climbed the corporate ladder of succes
Healing The Energy Of Disappointment
06/02/2018 Duración: 25minWe’ve all been disappointed at some point or another. Find out how to heal the energy of disappointment through awareness of what is going on below the surface. We have all experienced disappointment at some point in our lives. This is something we’ve all faced at one time or another, but you know sometimes it just seems to come up and we have to deal with it. On today's podcast we look at healing the energy of disappointment through another lens. Disappointment can be used as a teaching tool to bring clarity to what we truly want. RELATED BLOG POSTS FOR FURTHER READING Tips for Overcoming Disappointment And Regaining Perspective Owning Your Value and Knowing Your Inner Worth Embrace Your Soul Purpose Why We Don't Trust Our Intuition MENTIONED IN THE SHOW energy of disappointment, past lives, patterns, Akashic records HOST LINKS Intuitive Journal Intuitive Readings Free E-Book on Repeating Numbers and Sequences Podcast 10 Transcript - Healing the Energy of Disappointment Thank you for tuning in again to the I
How To Develop Clairsentience
16/01/2018 Duración: 19minHave you ever had a physical or emotional feeling wash over you without a discernible connection to your current state of mind? Do you have the ability to sense or feel vibrational frequencies to such a strong degree that you actually receive a physical sensation? On today’s podcast we are talking about clairsentience, which means clear sensing. We are going to talk about how to recognize and develop clairsentience, and how to better tune in and hear the voice of Spirit, so keep listening. RELATED BLOG POSTS FOR FURTHER READING What is Clairaudience? What is Claircognizance? What is Clairvoyance? What is Clairsentience? MENTIONED IN THE SHOW clairsentience, metaphysical senses, how to recognize clairsentience, how to develop clairsentience, clear feelings, clear sensing, intuition, intuitive abilities HOST LINKS Intuitive Journal Intuitive Readings Free E-Book on Repeating Numbers and Sequences Podcast 9 Transcript - How To Develop Clairsentience Thank you for listening in to today’s Intuitive Journal podca
How To Develop Clairaudience
05/01/2018 Duración: 26minClairaudience is the inner voice that speaks to you, sometimes loud, sometimes softly. Learn to recognize the signs and how to develop clairaudience. On today's Intuitive Journal podcast we are talking about Clairaudience. Have you ever heard a loud booming voice in your head? Do you have trouble discerning your own thoughts from messages from Spirit? On today’s podcast we are talking about clairaudience, which means clear hearing. We are going to talk about how to recognize and develop clairaudience, and how to better tune in and hear the voice of Spirit. RELATED BLOG POSTS FOR FURTHER READING What is Clairaudience? What is Claircognizance? What is Clairvoyance? What is Clairsentience? What is Automatic Writing? Practice Automatic Writing SUBSCRIBE Subscribe via iTunes | Subscribe via Stitcher (Android) | Subscribe via Google Play | Show feed New to Podcasts? Find out How To Subscribe to my Podcast. MENTIONED IN THE SHOW clairaudience, metaphysical senses, how to recognize clairaudience, how to develop clair
How To Develop Claircognizance
27/12/2017 Duración: 21minJoin me on today’s Intuitive Journal Podcast where we are continuing on with our series on the four main metaphysical senses. Two weeks ago we talked about clairvoyance. We are going to continue on with the second metaphysical sense and that is Claircognizance. We are going to take a look at how to recognize Claircognizance and also how to further develop this intuitive ability. If I were to sum up how claircognizance works in a few words, it would be this: “How do you know what you know?” or “Well, I just know, but I don’t know how I know.” I think this is one of the least understood intuitive abilities because it seems a lot easier to recognize an intuitive vision - which would be clairvoyance, or intuitively sense something - which would be clairsentience, or intuitively hear a word or a phrase - which would be clairaudience, than it is to recognize Claircognizance. But in a few minutes, I will give you some ways to recognize it when it shows up and also some ways to further develop this ability. RELATED B
The Gift of Holiday Healing
19/12/2017 Duración: 21minJoin me on today’s Intuitive Journal Podcast where we talk about overcoming stress and anxiety around the Christmas holiday season and I share some tips and ideas to practice mindfulness, overcome holiday stress, and keep your sanity. RELATED BLOG POSTS FOR FURTHER READING Christmas - A Healing Holiday Surviving Holiday Gatherings Practice Mindfulness During the Holidays MENTIONED IN THE SHOW Christmas, holiday, healing, mixed emotions, overcoming anxiety, overcoming stress, overwhelm, forgiveness, mindfulness HOST LINKS Intuitive Journal Intuitive Readings Free E-Book on Repeating Numbers and Sequences Podcast 6 Transcript - The Gift of Holiday Healing INTRO Thank you for listening to the Intuitive Journal podcast! I am your host, Laurra Warnke. For the past 8 years I have been a professional intuitive, spiritual advisor, and the author of the blog, where I write about stepping out of the psychic closet, repeating angel number patterns and developing your intuition. I also offer private
How To Develop Clairvoyance
12/12/2017 Duración: 24minJoin me on today’s Intuitive Journal Podcast where we talk about how to understand and develop clairvoyance, one of your four main metaphysical abilities. We talk about seven ways to recognize clairvoyance and at the end I share tools to help you develop this visual intuitive ability.One of the things I get asked regularly about during a reading is how to determine if you are primarily clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, or claircognizant. When you work on developing your intuition it can seem a bit confusing so I wanted to share some ways you can recognize your primary intuitive sense. This is the first out of four episodes that I am going to be doing and this one is all about clairvoyance.RELATED BLOG POSTS FOR FURTHER READINGWhat is Clairaudience?What is Claircognizance?What is Clairvoyance?What is Clairsentience?Remote Viewing Practice: Friday FunMENTIONED IN THE SHOWclairaudience, claircognizance, clairvoyance, clairsentience, remote viewing, metaphysical senses, how to recognize clairvoyance, how
Repeating Angel Numbers and Messages from Spirit
05/12/2017 Duración: 20minDo you see repeating number patterns and angel number sequences like 111, 222, 333, and others? That is what I am talking about today and if you’ve seen them frequently, you probably have a lot of questions about why you see them, why they have suddenly become a part of your life and if there is anything you need to do. You might have wondered about what their relevance is for a certain situation in your life. So today what I want to talk about now is understanding the bigger picture around why you see those cryptic repeating number patterns and sequences so you start to understand the messages and more importantly how to use them to create positive changes in all areas of your life. MENTIONED IN THE SHOW angel numbers, repeating number patterns, messages from spirit, repeating numbers HOST LINKS Intuitive Readings Free E-Book on Angel Numbers and Repeating Number Patterns TRANSCRIPT Podcast 3 - Angel Numbers and Messages from the Divine INTRO Do you see repeating number patterns and an
Intuitive Journal Podcast Introduction and Welcome
05/12/2017 Duración: 14minFind out how I stepped into becoming an professional intuitive and how this website, came to be. If you have ever had a dark night of the soul experience, and wondered if it will ever end I am here to tell you the more you fully step into YOUR WORK, the sooner you will see your way through the shadows and the clouds. In this introductory episode I share a bit of my path and also what to expect in upcoming episodes of the Intuitive Journal podcast.MENTIONED IN THE SHOWspiritual awakening journey, life purpose, dark night of the soulHOST LINKSIntuitive JournalIntuitive ReadingsFree E-Book on Repeating Numbers and SequencesTranscriptINTROHello Everyone!Thank you for listening to the Intuitive Journal podcast! I am your host, Laura Jean Warnke. For the past 8 years I have been a professional intuitive, spiritual advisor, and the author of the blog, where I write about stepping out of the psychic closet, repeating angel number patterns like 111, 222, and 333 and also write