The Philosophy Of Modern Song
- Autor: Oscar Isaac
- Narrador: Rita Moreno
- Editor: Simon & Schuster
- Duración: 6:37:35
The Philosophy of Modern Song is Bob Dylan’s first book of new writing since 2004’s Chronicles: Volume One—and since winning the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2016. The audio is narrated by an all-star lineup including Bob Dylan, Jeff Bridges, Steve Buscemi, John Goodman, Oscar Isaac, Helen Mirren, Rita Moreno, Sissy Spacek, Alfre Woodard, Jeffrey Wright, and Renée Zellweger!
Dylan, who began working on the book in 2010, offers his extraordinary insight into the nature of popular music. He writes over sixty essays focusing on songs by other artists, spanning from Stephen Foster to Elvis Costello, and in between ranging from Hank Williams to Nina Simone. He analyzes what he calls the trap of easy rhymes, breaks down how the addition of a single syllable can diminish a song, and even explains how bluegrass relates to heavy metal. These essays are written in Dylan’s unique prose. They are mysterious and mercurial, poignant and profound, and often laugh-out-loud funny. And while they are ostensibly about music, they are really meditations and reflections on the human condition. Running throughout the book are a series of dream-like riffs that, taken together, resemble an epic poem and add to the work’s transcendence.
In 2020, with the release of his outstanding album Rough and Rowdy Ways, Dylan became the first artist to have an album hit the Billboard Top 40 in each decade since the 1960s. The Philosophy of Modern Song contains much of what he has learned about his craft in all those years, and like everything that Dylan does, it is a momentous artistic achievement.
001 ThePhilosophyOfModernSong Open
Duración: 57s -
002 ThePhilosophyOfModernSong Chapter1 DetroitCityBobbyBare
Duración: 05min -
003 ThePhilosophyOfModernSong Chapter2 PumpItUpElvisCostello
Duración: 05min -
004 ThePhilosophyOfModernSong Chapter3 WithoutASongPerryComo
Duración: 02min -
005 ThePhilosophyOfModernSong Chapter4 TakeMeFromThisGardenOfEvilJimmyWages
Duración: 05min -
006 ThePhilosophyOfModernSong Chapter5 ThereStandsTheGlassWebbPierce
Duración: 05min -
007 ThePhilosophyOfModernSong Chapter6 WillyTheWanderingGypsyAndMeBillyJoeShaver
Duración: 03min -
008 ThePhilosophyOfModernSong Chapter7 TuttiFruttiLittleRichard
Duración: 01min -
009 ThePhilosophyOfModernSong Chapter8 MoneyHoneyElvisPresley
Duración: 09min -
010 ThePhilosophyOfModernSong Chapter9 MyGenerationTheWho
Duración: 05min -
011 ThePhilosophyOfModernSong Chapter10 JesseJamesHarryMcClintock
Duración: 04min -
012 ThePhilosophyOfModernSong Chapter11 PoorLittleFoolRickyNelson
Duración: 08min -
013 ThePhilosophyOfModernSong Chapter12 PanchoAndLeftyWillieNelsonAndMerleHaggard
Duración: 06min -
014 ThePhilosophyOfModernSong Chapter13 ThePretenderJacksonBrowne
Duración: 04min -
015 ThePhilosophyOfModernSong Chapter14 MackTheKnifeBobbyDarin
Duración: 04min -
016 ThePhilosophyOfModernSong Chapter15 WhiffenpoofSongBingCrosby
Duración: 02min -
017 ThePhilosophyOfModernSong Chapter16 YouDontKnowMeEddyArnold
Duración: 03min -
018 ThePhilosophyOfModernSong Chapter17 BallOfConfusionTheTemptations
Duración: 09min -
019 ThePhilosophyOfModernSong Chapter18 PoisonLoveJohnnieAndJack
Duración: 03min -
020 ThePhilosophyOfModernSong Chapter19 BeyondTheSeaBobbyDarin
Duración: 06min