Daily Thoughts and Insights on the world of spa, wellness, hotels, business and life.
Compare Yourself To Who You Were Yesterday… #1401
01/10/2021 Duración: 02minWell-known Canadian psychologist, Jordan Peterson, is attributed with the quote... 'Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not who somebody else is today.' That's probably a message that a lot of people need to hear. And it's fine if your end goal is simply self-improvement. But if you want that promotion, if you want to be the's probably not enough. Because to achieve those things, you will be compared to the other guys and gals. Also, if just being better than you were yesterday is you target, you'll probably end up being 1x better. But if you strive to be better than the best, even if you fail you might still end up being 4x better than you were yesterday. So, my suggestion, keep that as a baseline KPI. If you can just keep being better than you were yesterday, then that's a win. If you can do that, there's no need to beat yourself up. But if you want to be the'd better compare yourself to who somebody else is today...because that's your competition. #selfimprovement #
Beware The Hidden Lies Of The Mighty Few #1400
30/09/2021 Duración: 01minI'll be there in just a FEW minutes. I should be able to complete this project in a FEW days. Or, my personal favourite... Honey, I'm just going out for a FEW beers with the lads! People use words like FEW or some or ABOUT because they are imprecise. They are open to interpretation. That gives them some leeway and flexibility. If you're dealing with someone who uses words like this a lot, it may actually tell you a bit about what sort of person they are. Maybe, like the Project Manager, they don't have great attention to detail. They fail to account for all factors. Or perhaps, they're not great at time management and so are always late for meetings. Or maybe, they're just a little too comfortable telling little they're only going to have a FEW beers. The language we use can sometimes expose our hidden lies...and truths. #language #behaviours #untoldstories
Imagine The Future Through Your Kid‘s Lens, Not Yours #1399
29/09/2021 Duración: 02minIt's hard for us to imagine a future that is dramatically different from the way things are right now. We have experience. We have history. And with that history and experience comes a bias towards what we have known in the past (and present). The best way to avoid that bias is to try to see the world through the lens of a child. Someone with less experience and therefore less bias. Try it. It's kinda refreshing. #bias #imaginethepossibilities #thefuture
Maybe Temporary Problems Don‘t Even Need Solutions #1398
28/09/2021 Duración: 02minA permanent solution to a temporary problem becomes a permanent problem. So says @naval. It's an important warning. Sometimes we become so focussed on the problem that we fail to see that it's only temporary. But in our panic to find a solution, we establish complex systems and procedures to solve that problem. Instead, before we implement a solution, we should first consider the likely lifespan of the problem. Next, consider the consequences of the problem. If it's not a long term problem with major consequences, we certainly don't need a permanent solution. In fact, we may not even need a solution at all. #problemsolving #solutionfocused #problemmanagement
If Your Preparation Is Good, Then The Process Can Flow #1397
27/09/2021 Duración: 01minMany organisations, especially bigger organisations, put a lot of focus on the Process. They live and die by their SOPs. The monitor, report and audit their Process to within an inch of its life. But if you put in a bit more work earlier on, in the Preparation stage, that can free up the Process and just allow things to flow. Part of that Preparation can be ensuring you have the right people. If you have the right people, and they have a general idea of the outcome required, it doesn't matter so much that they follow the Process to the letter. Ultimately, they will still get to a good result. Maybe not the exact result you anticipated. But a good result nonetheless. Which, in the end, you may just be a better result. #process #procedures #preparation
The Importance Of Them Understanding Your Logic #1396
26/09/2021 Duración: 02minHere in Malaysia I can now, if we're fully vaccinated, go out for dinner with my wife and dine-in at a restaurant. BUT... We can not share the same Grab/Uber car. So, we need 1 car each to pick us up from the same house, to take us to the same restaurant, where we'll dine-in at the same table...and then 1 car each to take us home again. I simply can not understand the logic of that rule. The government has not shared their logic in making that decision. As a result, we get frustrated and annoyed at such seemingly silly rules. If I at least understood their logic, it would ease some of that frustration. The same is true in any leadership or management situation. If your people don't agree with your decision, they at least need to understand why you made it and the logic behind it. If they do, you'll reduce the amount of disunity, unrest and disfunction within your team. So, take the time to explain your logic to them. #leadership #management #logic
Imagine An Adobe Mobile-First Social Network #1395
25/09/2021 Duración: 01minA key element of a social network these days is the ability to create the content, not just post and share it. Think Instagram and Snapchat with their filters. Think TikTok with their music videos. So imagine what could happen if Adobe leveraged their Creative Studio suite of products, made it super-intuitive, mobile-first and then built a social network around it to share what you have created. That could be really compelling social network disruptor. #socialnetwork #creativestudio #mobilefirst
When A Netflix Pop-up Meets A Food Truck... #1394
24/09/2021 Duración: 02minIn yesterday's episode I spoke about the idea of Netflix Mini-Cinema Pop-ups in hotel function rooms. Here's another idea... Take the Food Truck concept and apply it to a mobile Pop-up cinema experience and you have...The Movie Truck. One side of truck has a big movie screen. The other side is the Food Truck element, selling the Popcorn, Cokes, etc. that you would usually buy at the movies. Audio could be accessed via the App. If you're a Netflix subscriber you come for free - but still pay for your popcorn of course! If you're not a subscriber you pay an entry fee. At worst, this idea could be a cost-neutral branding exercise. It has potential to be a an ROI-positive customer acquisition strategy. And at best, it could become a meaningful revenue stream for the streaming services. #businessideas #popups #netflix
3 Years Ago I Had An Idea To Disrupt Movie Cinemas... #1393
23/09/2021 Duración: 02minCinemas are now allowed to open in Malaysia. But the two major cinema chains have said they're not going to open yet. A bit part of their reasoning is that they just don't have any movies to show. Like many other industries, the movie making business has been impact by COVID-19. So, it reminds me of an idea I first spoke about way back on 17 May 2018 in Ep. 168 of this show...NETFLIX Mini-Cinema Pop-Ups in hotel function rooms. You can take a listen here - Now, maybe more than ever, NETFLIX Mini-Cinema Pop-Ups might just be a great idea. #newbusinessidea #popups #cinemas
A Second Look Is Ok. A Third, Means You Already Know. #1392
22/09/2021 Duración: 02minTaking a second look before deciding is usually a good idea. There's nothing wrong with double-checking your assumptions, calculations or even your gut-instinct. But if you need to take a THIRD look...well, you probably already know the answer. Good or Bad. #decisionmaking #indecision #trustyourself
Choose The Right Job First, Then The Industry #1391
21/09/2021 Duración: 02minWhen consider a job or career change, people often very definite ideas on the Industry they want to join. I want to work in the Hotel Industry. I'd like a career in the Spa Industry. Yet, when you quiz them on what job they want to have within that industry, they're not so clear. That's a risky approach to take. If you're not loving the specific job that you're doing, day in, day out, it will be really difficult to enjoy being in your chosen industry. Focus on the Job first, then look at what types of industries have a job like that. #jobsearch #careerchange #jobrole
The Internet Was The Future...Now What About Blockchain, Cryptocurrency & NFTs? #1390
20/09/2021 Duración: 02minVitalik Buterin, Founder of Ethereum, was recently asked on his response to those who suggest Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies are just a fad. He reminded us that the same was once said about the Internet itself. And whilst there were many fads built on, in and around the Internet, the platform itself clearly did become the future. The same is likely to prove true with these latest developments. There will be scams and fads, like many of the ICO's (Initial Coin Offerings), but that doesn't mean that the Blockchain itself or even Cryptocurrencies specifically, will not become the future. Look to the underlying value and potential of these technologies and platforms before you dismiss them. #blockchain #cryptocurrencies #futureoftechnology
Do You Do Better Work When You’re Bored, Or Busy? #1389
19/09/2021 Duración: 02min@naval recently suggested 'You'll do better work if you're bored rather than busy'. I'm not sure I completely agree with that. Sure, I understand the logic. Which is, if you're busy then there can be a tendency to rush through things and thus not create your best work. But we also need to factor in Individuality and Losing your edge. If we stay bored for too long, we can lose our sharpness, our edge. Also, some people simply work better in the chaos. Thinking and acting on their feet just allows them to produce their best work. It's important to understand the environment in which you do your own best work. #bestwork #boredom #workingenvironment
If Your Money Can Buy You Happiness…That’s OK #1388
18/09/2021 Duración: 01minThey say that money can't buy happiness... but it can! If having a fancy handbag or a driving a luxury car makes you feel happy and you've got the money, then yes, your money absolutely can buy you happiness. Of course, there are other elements and levels to our happiness. And we can argue on the moral virtues of using that money for something else. But for you as an individual, IF those things make you happy and IF you have the money...then go ahead and buy yourself some happiness. It's ok. #happiness #wealth #money
Tourism‘s Cancel Culture Will End - That‘s Your Chance #1387
17/09/2021 Duración: 02min'Cancel Culture' is a term most people associate with social media. But to me, it could also apply to much of the Tourism Industry today. In an effort to try to encourage people to travel again, many airlines, hotels and related tourism businesses are extending very very flexible cancellation policies. And that's great for us travellers. won't be sustainable for many of these businesses. It will end. And when it does...that's your keep those same terms and conditions. As customers, we've gotten used to it. We love it. So when most businesses go back to their old policies of stricter cancellation terms, we will seek out those that don't. So, start looking at ways you can adapt your systems and processes now to maintain that flexibility. Maybe it means hiring more casual or part-time staff so you can handle peaks and troughs caused by last minute cancellation. Or maybe implement a Waitlist Policy and really drive it. Offer people a 20% discount if they go on your Waitlist. Look at
The Path To Why Is Often Paved With Why Not‘s #1386
16/09/2021 Duración: 01minSimon Sinek talks about the importance of finding your Why. Start with Why. Why do you do what you do? What is your passion? But for many of us, we just don't know what our Why is. So, if you're having trouble finding your Why...start with Why Not. Why not try this? Why not give that a go? Why not head in that direction? You may not immediately find your Why, but you will at least eliminate some of the unknowns. Good luck! Enjoy the path! #whynot #startwithwhy #why
Maybe Hire The Person Who Does NOT Know The Answer? #1385
15/09/2021 Duración: 01minUsually when we're hiring somebody, we're looking for someone with specific knowledge and experience. Someone who knows the answers. The problem with that is, if you think you know the answer already, you tend to stop looking. There may well be different and possibly even better answers out there. Maybe it's not the actual knowing that really matters. After all, with so much information open and available to all of us these days, anyone who really wants to know the answer, can probably find it. As Seth Godin suggests, maybe what really matters, is that you WANT to know. #knowledge #findtherightpeople #answers
The Theory Of Relativity - Keeping It Real #1384
14/09/2021 Duración: 02minI'm not talking about Uncle Albert's E = mc2. I'm talking about the 'relativity calculation' that your customers make before they decide to buy...especially if it's a non-essential product. They relate the price of your thing to something else they could use the money for. $2,000 for an upgrade to Business Class Vs 2 nights in the Suite at that fancy hotel. $20 for a steak and 1 beer, Vs $16 for a Burger and 2 beers. You need to be thinking of this when you're deciding on your Pricing and your Marketing. You must convey the value and benefits of your product or service...because you can be sure your customers are making these 'relativity calculations' all the time. #marketing #pricingstrategy #consumerbehaviour
The Uneven Distribution Of Watercooler Conversations #1383
13/09/2021 Duración: 02minOne of the great losses now that the world has moved to Work From Home is those Watercooler Conversations. The serendipitous, informal chats you strike up when you're filling your water bottle, making a coffee or having a cigarette break. But maybe we've over-romanticised those chats? Don't get me wrong, there's definite value there. But the serendipity of these chats has always been unevenly distributed. If you don't smoke, you miss out on the chat when everyone goes for smoko. If you don't drink coffee, you're not there when others are making their cup of Joe. So, as you return to the office, think about how you can facilitate some more inclusive and structured serendipity. Try to even up the distribution of serendipity in your workplace. #serendipity #watercooler #workfromhome
Now Could Be A Good Time To ‘Luxury Up’ Your Brand #1382
12/09/2021 Duración: 02minIt's true that many brands, businesses and individuals have been left financially devastated as a result of the COVID-19 Crisis. But, at the Luxury end of the market, things are pretty good. Many luxury brands have experienced record sales during this period. So that says to me that now could be a good time to level up or 'Luxury Up' your brand. If you have a brand that is upscale or premium but not quite at that Luxury level, now is a really good time to try to move up to that next level. The demand is there. The market is there. Maybe you need to change your packaging or your store layout or your website a little bit. But these changes don't need to cost a fortune. And just think what that extra 20% 30% or 40% added to the ticket price of your new Luxury products will add to your bottom line! #luxurybrands #luxuryretail #levelup