Bring more light to the great new innovations that will impact the world.
E28: A Must Have For Your Water Adventures This Summer
30/05/2018 Duración: 31minThis new innovative life preserver is a must have if you are going to be near any body of water this summer. In this episode, I get to chat with Luis from the OneUP team that has created a life preserver the size of a soda can that inflates as soon as it hits the water. I know many of you right now are thinking that this is too good to be true but it is here, so tune into this episode to see how this amazing device came to life.
E27: No More Needles!
23/05/2018 Duración: 35minI don't know about you but I can't stand needles! During this episode, I get to chat with Patrick Anquetil who is the CEO of Portal Instruments, a company that has developed an amazing needleless injection device. I might actually consider getting my flu shot next year if they have one of these devices.
E26: Meet Temi Your Friendly Personal Robot
16/05/2018 Duración: 32minWouldn't it be cool if you had an AI assisted personal robot? What would a personal robot even do? How could it make life easier? And what does AI (artificial intelligence) assisted robot mean? All of these questions are tackled in this interview with Danny Isserles from a company called Temi.
E25: A Straw That Lets You Drink From Any Source Of Water
09/05/2018 Duración: 44minAs I search the internet I am always coming across amazing products, but sometimes I run into products that just make me say "wow". That is exactly what happened to me when I came across LifeStraw.
E24: The Next Gen Security Camera
02/05/2018 Duración: 27minIn this interview with Alex Teichman, CEO and co-founder of a company called Lighthouse, he shows one great example of how AI systems can be used in many amazing ways. Alex and his team have built an AI-assisted security camera system that puts security on a whole new level. Lighthouse is a fundamentally new type of security camera that combines computer vision and voice.
E23: Is 3D Printing The New Era Of Recycling
25/04/2018 Duración: 37minBy now most of you have heard of a 3d printer and have a general idea of how they work. You also know there are many areas where 3d printers can be improved and as you will soon find out re3D is making a huge leap to the next level.
E22: Are You Ready To Be The Next YouTube Star?
18/04/2018 Duración: 31minWill the new Idolcam replace most of the YouTubing/video equipment? In this episode I get to chat with Jason Lam who is the inventor of the Idolcam, which is an all in one video recording tool. Some of the features that the Idolcam has is lights, a 3 axis gimbol, 4k resolution camera, an app that allows motion control of the camera, and a unique small size compared to most of the 4k vlogging cameras out there. The story of how Jason got to the Idolcam is amazing and you dont want to miss it.
E21: Turn Those Calories Into Electricity
11/04/2018 Duración: 29minToday's guest has taken innovative technology and combined it with fitness at the Sacramento Eco Fitness gym in California. This unique gym is using their equipment, specifically their spinning bikes, to create electricity for their building. By harnessing the energy created from people working out on these spinning bikes, Sacramento Eco Fitness has taken their electric bill that was through the roof and reduced it to about $30/month.
E20: A Smart Helmet That Could Save Your Life
04/04/2018 Duración: 33minAfter watching the kickstarter campaign video for the new Quin Essential Design helmets, I was hooked immediately! This new helmet could potentially save lives of people involved in motorcycle crashes, especially if the rider was by himself. And of course this concept all came from one specific motorcycle accident.
E19: Finally A Safe Metal 3D Printer
28/03/2018 Duración: 48minAs I was chatting with Jonah Myerberg from Desktop Metal, I realized that there is a much larger mission behind the company than what meets the eye. Jonah dives into some of the pains that his team has set out to eliminate in regards to metal 3D printing and have succeeded with flying colors.
E18: A Kayak That Fits In A Backpack.... No Way
21/03/2018 Duración: 25minBeing an outdoor enthusiast, I was instantly drawn to the innovation behind a folding kayak. I was lucky enough to chat with Pete Flood, who is the founder and creator of the Coho Folding Kayak. I never realized how much time and effort goes into bringing some of these special products to market but Pete lets us in on the crazy journey of his folding kayak.
E17: This Isn't Your Ordinary Drone
14/03/2018 Duración: 35minAt this point everyone has heard of aerial drones and have most likely seen one at some point and many of you innovation freaks out there have one. But we have not heard much about underwater drones yet. Well today I am bringing to you an episode where I get to chat with Danny Vessells who in one of the co founders of the Fathom One, an amazing underwater drone that is helping us discover our water ways around us.
E16: When It Comes To 3D Printers The Possibilities Are Endless
07/03/2018 Duración: 38minFrom Harry Potter to 3d printing?.... Wait what? Today's guest, Tyler Caros from Air Wolf 3D shares his amazing story of how he went from working for Warner Brothers creating Harry Potter artwork to becoming totally fascinated with 3d printing, which led him to Air Wolf 3D.
E15: Who Doesn't Love A Good Mosquito Bite?
28/02/2018 Duración: 28minThermacell is a company that is at war with one of the deadliest animals on the planet, the Mosquito! The Mosquito accounts for 1 million deaths a year according to the World Health Orginization. Now Thermacell is not trying to make the Mosquito extinct, they have narrowed their research into how to keep the Mosquito's away from you. I got to chat with Adam Chojnaski who is the VP of Product and Innovation at Thermacell. Adam goes into detail about how the company continues to think outside of the box to keep people safe.
E14: The First "Flying Race Car" Race: Will You Be There?
21/02/2018 Duración: 34minI never know what kind of stories the person has on the other end of that skype call before I hit that record button. And it only took about 30 seconds to realize that Matt Pearson from Alauda Racing had an amazing story to tell but I guess you should expect that from someone that is making the first "flying race car" come to life.
E13: What You Didn’t Know About CO2
14/02/2018 Duración: 42minI got the pleasure of chatting with Evan Price who is the CEO of a company called CO2 Solutions. As the name implies Evan and his team work around the clock trying to solve one of the worlds biggest problems and that is CO2 levels. We all have heard of how CO2 negatively affects the world as a whole but it makes your day that much better when you hear about companies like CO2 Solutions.
E12: A Crazy Name For Some Crazy Innovators
07/02/2018 Duración: 39minCrazybaby is just as innovative as their name implies. I got to chat with Matt Nelson who is the VP of Marketing and Sales and has been with the Crazybaby from day 1! Matt shares a sneak peak behind the scenes of how crazy baby continues to be so innovative. Matt also talks about the Mars speak which is a speaker that levitates above the base, clearly making it one of the most innovative speakers out there. Trying to come out with an innovative product that is on the same level as the Mars speaker is no easy task but somehow the Crazybaby team pulled it off with their newest product the Air Nano earpods.
E11: 3D Printing Noob or Expert? You Tell Me
31/01/2018 Duración: 22minI got the pleasure of getting to speak with Joe Casha who is also known as the 3D Maker Noob on YouTube. Joe has helped 1000’s and 1000’s of people with his 3d printing videos. His videos range from individual settings on the printer to doing full on live builds for his audience. Joe shares one of his craziest moments while he was doing a live build!!
E10: Exotic Concept Cars
24/01/2018 Duración: 25minWhen most people think of the future one of the first things that pop in their minds is transportation and more specifically cars. Rinspeed has been doing this for the past 40 years except they were making their dreams of a future car a reality. One of their most innovative vehicles in their fleet is the squba a sports car that can also dive like a submarine. If that's not innovation I don't know what is.
E9: Need A Hand?
17/01/2018 Duración: 29minThis episode is very special because I get to chat with Jon Schull who is one of the volunteers that has helped e-NABLE become the movement that it is today. e-NABLE which is also known as Enabling the Future is a community of volunteers that have helped create a movement to help people that need prosthetic hands. Enable finds people that have 3d printers and are willing to print and donate a hand to someone in need.