Bring more light to the great new innovations that will impact the world.
E8: Artificial Intelligent Farming?
10/01/2018 Duración: 21minIn this episode Anna Henley explains how Hummingbird Technologies is using the combination of drones and an artificial intelligence farming platform they built, to optimize farming in almost every aspect when it comes to anything in the fields.
E7: 1.8 Million Pounds of Trash and Counting
03/01/2018 Duración: 46minThis is a special episode where I get to chat with the inventor of Mr.Trash Wheel John Kellett as well as the director of WaterFront Partnership Adam Lindquist which is the non for profit company that runs Mr.Trash Wheel. For those of you who don’t know, Mr.Trash Wheel is an iconic trash collection machine that sits at the mouth of where the Jones Falls river meets the Baltimore bay. Mr.Trash Wheel has collected 1.8 MILLION pounds of trash since 2014 and counting.
E6: Who Knew The Dangers of Drones?
27/12/2017 Duración: 26minAs many of you know drones are everywhere. You can't go anywhere without seeing one for sale or someone flying one but most people don't see the danger that drones could pose if they were to fall into the wrong hands, which is where Droneshield comes in. Droneshield is a company that was started to protect against drones threatening safety, security, and privacy.
E5: Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Tune In To Find Out!
20/12/2017 Duración: 13minA Drone? A Helicopter? A flying car? The Surefly is an amazing example of innovation at its finest. The Workhorse team has taken advantage of the ever evolving and growing drone technology as well as advances in electric motors, batteries, and autonomous navigation systems to make an amazing reinvented helicopter.
E4: A World Record Holding Ebike
13/12/2017 Duración: 23minThis podcast interview is where I get to talk with the CEO and founder of Delfast, Daniel Tonkopiy. Where out of necessity one of the best Ebikes on the market was born. Daniel and his team recently (10/17) broke a world record of longest distance traveled on a single charge and they don't plan to stop innovating there. Swing over to Itune or Stitcher to check out the podcast. Don't forget to leave a review and subscribe, so you will be notified when a new podcast comes out.
E3: You Thought The Lily Drone Died Didn't You?
07/12/2017 Duración: 20minHow cool would it be to have your own personal drone follow you around, while recording your most amazing moments, yeah that moment where you and your friends say “man I wish we had that on video, that was awesome!”. Well now you can thanks to the moto team. The original lily drone was born in 2015 with a lot of promises that went along with all of the excitement of drone. After 60,000 pre orders and some pretty big promises the original lily drone company (Lily Robotics) went belly up, but that’s not the end of the story for this awesome drone. The Moto group team revived and improved the original vision of the Lily drone and that’s where the Lily Next Gen Drone was born. This new drone has all of the latest and greatest technology that you can fit in a small drone (see the table for all of the specs). Some of the cool features of this drone are smart hover, follow me, and self drive (from your phone) mode.
E2: How to Remain Comfortable Despite The Environment
07/12/2017 Duración: 17minI got to interview a college grad from MIT who realized that the senior project him and his team were working on could turn into a business. This group of seniors set out to solve a very challenging problem of how to keep the body feeling comfortable even though the environment around them isn't at a satisfying level. Thus the Embr Wave bracelet was born. Have you ever been cold and ran your hands under warm water and instantly felt warmer? That is exactly sensation that the Embr Wave achieves with both warming and cooling capabilities. This is what innovation is all about. Tune into this episode and let me know what you think by leaving a review on itunes or stitcher. Don't forget to subscribe to get notifications when more awesome episodes are released!
E1: Olli Coming to a City Near You!
07/12/2017 Duración: 20minEver think about 3d printing a bus? Have you ever thought of 3d printing a full autonomous bus? Well Local Motors has and they have made that dream and reality. Olli is a 3d printed fully autonomous electric bus that is changing the transportation system in large cities as we speak. I was lucky enough to interview their VP of marketing Brittany Stotler. During this interview we talk about how Local Motors continues to be a leader in innovation.