
  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 2:15:51
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Had we but world enough, and time


  • 奥登《美术馆》 :人类可以多冷漠 Musee des Beaux Arts-Auden

    04/08/2015 Duración: 01min

    Musee des Beaux ArtsW. H. AudenAbout suffering they were never wrong,The old Masters: how well they understoodIts human position: how it takes placeWhile someone else is eating or opening a window or just walking dully along;How, when the aged are reverently, passionately waitingFor the miraculous birth, there always must beChildren who did not specially want it to happen, skatingOn a pond at the edge of the wood:They never forgotThat even the dreadful martyrdom must run its courseAnyhow in a corner, some untidy spotWhere the dogs go on with their doggy life and the torturer&`&s horseScratches its innocent behind on a tree.In Breughel&`&s Icarus, for instance: how everything turns awayQuite leisurely from the disaster; the ploughman mayHave heard the splash, the forsaken cry,But for him it was not an important failure; the sun shoneAs it had to on the white legs disappearing into the greenWater, and the expensive delicate ship that must have seenSomething amazing, a boy falling out of the sky,

  • 弗罗斯特《雪夜林前小驻》Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening - Robert Frost

    03/08/2015 Duración: 01min

    Stopping by Woods on a Snowy EveningRobert Frost Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound’s the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. 雪夜林畔小驻 罗伯特·弗罗斯特(余光中 译)想来我认识这座森林, 林主的庄宅就在邻村, 却不会见我在此驻马, 看他林中积雪的美景。 我的小马一定颇惊讶: 四望不见有什么农家, 偏是一年最暗的黄昏, 寒林和冰湖之间停下。 它摇一摇身上的串铃, 问我这地方该不该停。 此外只有轻风拂雪片, 再也听不见其他声音。 森林又暗又深真可羡, 但我还要守一些诺言, 还要赶多少路才安眠, 还要赶多少路才安眠。 雪夜驻马林边 (老蛇 译) 知君之林兮 知君之村居 君不知吾来兮 观雪入林棘 骐骥疑惑兮 此处无所驿 林间冰湖兮 岁暗极此夕 辔铃之鸣兮 相问几差异 唯闻寒风冽冽兮 催飞雪压云低 林之幽幽兮 信誓旦旦兮 路漫漫无眠欤 路迢迢无眠矣[雪梨有话说]罗伯特·弗罗斯特(1874-1963),美国诗人。弗罗斯特常被称为“交替性的诗人”,意指他处在传统诗歌和现代派诗歌交替的一个时期。这首诗最后两句重复很有意味:And miles to go before I sleep.

  • 叶芝《失窃的孩子》The Stolen Child - W.B.Yeats

    31/07/2015 Duración: 03min

    The Stolen ChildWilliam Butler Yeats Where dips the rocky highland Of Sleuth Wood in the lake, There lies a leafy island Where flapping herons wake The drowsy water-rats; There we&`&ve hid our faery vats, Full of berries And of reddest stolen cherries. Come away, O human child! To the waters and the wild With a faery, hand in hand, For the world&`&s more full of weeping than you can understand. Where the wave of moonlight glossesThe dim grey sands with light, Far off by furthest RossesWe foot it all the night, Weaving olden dances, Mingling hands and mingling glances Till the moon has taken flight; To and fro we leap And chase the frothy bubbles, While the world is full of troubles And is anxious in its sleep. Come away, O human child! To the waters and the wild With a faery, hand in hand, For the world&`&s more full of weeping than you can understand. Where the wandering water gushes From the hills above Glen-Car,In pools among the rushes That scarce could bathe a star, We seek for sl

  • 博尔赫斯《我用什么留住你》What Can I Hold You With - Jorge Luis Borges

    26/07/2015 Duración: 02min

    What can I hold you with? Jorge Luis BorgesI offer you lean streets, desperate sunsets, the moon of the jagged suburbs. I offer you the bitterness of a man who has looked long and long at the lonely moon. I offer you my ancestors, my dead men, the ghosts that living men have honoured in marble: my father&`&s father killed in the frontier of Buenos Aires, two bullets through his lungs, bearded and dead, wrapped by his soldiers in the hide of a cow; my mother&`&s grandfather -just twenty four- heading a charge of three hundred men in Peru, now ghosts on vanished horses. I offer you whatever insight my books may hold. whatever manliness or humour my life. I offer you the loyalty of a man who has never been loyal. I offer you that kernel of myself that I have saved somehow -the central heart that deals not in words, traffics not with dreams and is untouched by time, by joy, by adversities. I offer you the memory of a yellow rose seen at sunset, years before you were born. I offer you explanations

  • 里尔克《秋日》:谁这时孤独,就永远孤独 Autumn Day - Rainer Maria Rilke

    23/07/2015 Duración: 01min

    Autumn DayRainer Maria Rilke (Translated by Edward Snow)Lord: it is time. The summer was immense.Lay your long shadows on the sundials,and on the meadows let the winds go free.Command the last fruits to be full;give them just two more southern days,urge them on to completion and chasethe last sweetness into the heavy wine.Who has no house now, will never build one.Who is alone now, will long remain so,will stay awake, read, write long lettersand will wander restlessly up and downthe tree-lines streets, when the leaves are drifting.秋日里尔克(冯至 译)主啊!是时候了。夏日曾经很盛大。把你的阴影落在日规上,让秋风刮过田野。让最后的果实长得丰满,再给它们两天南方的气候,迫使它们成熟, 把最后的甘甜酿入浓酒。谁这时没有房屋,就不必建筑,谁这时孤独,就永远孤独,就醒着,读着,写着长信,在林荫道上来回不安地游荡,当着落叶纷飞。[雪梨有话说]莱纳·马利亚·里尔克(1875-1926):奥地利诗人,代表作长诗《杜伊诺哀歌》。他的德语诗歌有数十种英语译本,在中国也产生较大影响。这是播客里第一首非英语诗歌。小播十分推荐他的书信集,没有诗句那么个人化,淡,准确,十分动人。

  • 奥登《葬礼蓝调》:我以为爱可以不朽 Funeral Blues - W. H. Auden

    22/07/2015 Duración: 01min

    Funeral BluesWystan Hugh Auden Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone, Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone, Silence the pianos and with muffled drum Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come. Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead. Put crepe bows round the white necks of public doves, Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves. He was my North, my South, my East and West. My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song; I thought that love would last forever; I was wrong. The stars are not wanted now: put out every one; Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun; Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood; For nothing now can ever come to any good. 《葬礼蓝调》威斯坦·休·奥登(娜斯 译) 停止所有的时钟,切断电话,给狗一块浓汁的骨头,让他别叫,黯哑了钢琴,随着低沉的鼓,抬出灵柩,让哀悼者前来。让直升机在头顶悲旋,在天空狂草着信息他已逝去,把黑纱系在信鸽的白颈,让交通员戴上黑色的手套。他曾经是我的东,我的西,我的南,我的北,我的工作天,我的休息日,我的正午,我的夜半,我的话语,我的歌吟,我以为爱可以不朽,我错了。不再需要星星,把每一颗都摘掉,把月亮包起,拆除太阳,倾泻大海,扫除森林,因为什么也不会,再有意味。Colette有话说:威斯坦·休·奥登(1907-1973),英裔美国诗人、文学

  • 克里斯蒂娜·罗塞蒂《记着我》:当我离去,勿忘我 Remember - Rossetti

    21/07/2015 Duración: 01min

    RememberChristina Rossetti   Remember me when I am gone away, Gone far away into the silent land; When you can no more hold me by the hand, Nor I half turn to go, yet turning stay. Remember me when no more day by day You tell me of our future that you planned Only remember me; you understand It will be late to counsel then or pray Yet if you should forget me for a while And afterwards remember, do not grieve; For if the darkness and corruption leave A vestige of the thoughts that once I had, Better by far you should forget and smile Than that you should remember and be sad. 记着我克里斯蒂娜·罗塞蒂記著我,當我離去, 去到遠方那死寂之地; 當你再不能牽手留住我, 我也不能再欲去還留。 記著我,當你再不能天天 傾訴你對我們未來的憧憬: 只需記著我;你知道 那時諫言與祈求都已太遲。 你若暫時把我忘卻 而後追憶我時,不要悲慟: 黑暗與腐朽中若留下 我過往的丁點思緒, 你應忘卻而怡然,那將遠勝於 懷念而神傷愿君常忆我 (吴宓 译) 愿君常忆我,逝矣从兹别; 相见及黄泉,渺渺音尘绝 昔来常欢会,执手深情结; 临去又回身,千言意犹切; 絮絮话家常,白首长相契。 此景伤难再,吾生忽易辙; 祝告两无益,寸心已如铁。 惟期常忆我,从兹成永诀 君如暂忘我,回思勿自嗔 我愿君愉乐,不愿君苦辛。 我生无邪思,皎洁断纤尘; 留君心上影,忍令失君真; 忘时君欢笑,忆时君愁颦 愿君常忆我,即此语谆谆。    Colette有话说:克里斯蒂娜·罗塞蒂(1830-1894):英国女诗人,“拉斐尔前派”著名画家但丁·加百利·罗塞蒂的妹妹。代表作《小妖精的集市》。弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫

  • 伊丽莎白一世《在他离别后》On Monsieur's Departure - Elizabeth I

    19/07/2015 Duración: 01min

    On Monsieur&`&s DepartureElizabeth II grieve and dare not show my discontent, I love and yet am forced to seem to hate, I do, yet dare not say I ever meant, I seem stark mute but inwardly do prate. I am and not, I freeze and yet am burned, Since from myself another self I turned. My care is like my shadow in the sun, Follows me flying, flies when I pursue it, Stands and lies by me, doth what I have done.His too familiar care doth make me rue it. No means I find to rid him from my breast, Till by the end of things it be supprest. Some gentler passion slide into my mind, For I am soft and made of melting snow; Or be more cruel, love, and so be kind. Let me or float or sink, be high or low. Or let me live with some more sweet content, Or die and so forget what love e&`&er meant.在他离别后伊丽莎白一世我伤心却不敢流露不快,我挚爱,却被迫强装是在恨,我有意,却不敢说我想说;心里絮叨着千言万语,表面却是哑然无声:我是自己,我不是自己;我冻僵了,我被焚烧;因为我的自我分裂了,一个我背离了另一个我。心中的牵挂,就像我阳光下的影子;我追它就逃,我逃它就跟着我;事事都来搀和,时时纠缠不清:对他过多的思念,使我懊恼烦闷;永世难以把他从心底驱走,除非就此把一切了结干净。爱神啊,请把温和一些的激情装进我的心灵,因为我柔弱如融雪;要么

  • 拉金《家》:家是悲哀的 Home - Philip Larkin

    18/07/2015 Duración: 42s

    Home Philip LarkinHome is so sad. It stays as it was left,Shaped in the comfort of the last to goAs if to win them back. Instead, bereftOf anyone to please, it withers so,Having no heart to put aside the theft.And turn again to what it started as,A joyous shot at how things ought to be,Long fallen wide. You can see how it was:Look at the pictures and the cutlery.The music in the piano stool. That vase. 家拉金(王佐良 译)家是悲哀的。它没有改变,还为最后离开的人保持了舒适,似乎在想他回来。长时间它没有一个人可以讨好,很泄气,没有勇气去丢掉偷学来的体面而回到当初开始时的决心:痛痛快快,来一个归真返朴,当然早已放弃。你了解这类事情。瞧瞧这些画,这些银刀叉,这钢琴凳上的乐谱。还有,那花瓶。[雪梨有话说]菲利普·拉金(1922-1985),英国诗人。拉金成名于“福利国家”时期(二战后),他的同伴是一些对政治有幻灭感的“愤怒的年青人”。他以哈代为师,从写实入手,用一种硬朗的机智建立了新的诗风。

  • 马维尔《致羞怯的情人》:男人的嘴,骗人的鬼 His Coy Mistress

    17/07/2015 Duración: 02min

    To His Coy MistressAndrew MarvellHad we but world enough, and time,This coyness, Lady, were no crimeWe would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love’s day. Thou by the Indian Ganges’ sideShouldst rubies find: I by the tideOf Humber would complain. I wouldLove you ten years before the Flood, And you should, if you please, refuseTill the conversion of the Jews. My vegetable love should growVaster than empires, and more slow;An hundred years should go to praiseThine eyes and on thy forehead gaze; Two hundred to adore each breast, But thirty thousand to the rest;An age at least to every part, And the last age should show your heart.For, Lady, you deserve this state, Nor would I love at lower rate.But at my back I always hearTime’s wingèd chariot hurrying near; And yonder all before us lieDeserts of vast eternity. Thy beauty shall no more be found, Nor, in thy marble vault, shall soundMy echoing song: then worms shall tryThat long preserved virginity,And your quaint honour turn to dust,And into

  • 沃尔科特《爱复爱》:饱餐你的生命 Love After Love - Derek Walcott

    17/07/2015 Duración: 47s

    Love After LoveDerek WalcottThe time will comewhen, with elationyou will greet yourself arrivingat your own door, in your own mirrorand each will smile at the other&`&s welcome,and say, sit here. Eat.You will love again the stranger who was your self.Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heartto itself, to the stranger who has loved youall your life, whom you ignoredfor another, who knows you by heart.Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,the photographs, the desperate notes,peel your own image from the mirror.Sit. Feast on your life.爱复爱沃尔科特 (傅浩 译)有朝一日,你会心情振奋,欢迎自己来到,自己门前,进入自己的镜子,彼此报以微笑, 说:坐这儿,吃吧。你将再度爱上那曾是你自己的陌生人。给酒。给面包。把你的心还给它自己,还给那爱了你一辈子的陌生人;你忽视了他,而去注意别人;他深知你。从书架上取下情书、照片、绝望的笔记来,从镜子上剥下你自己的影像。坐,饱餐你的生命吧! [雪梨有话说]德雷克·沃尔科特 (1930- ),生于圣·卢西亚(位于东加勒比海),诗人,剧作家及画家。1992年诺贝尔文学奖得主,获奖理由为“以其植根于多种文化的历史想象力作出了光辉的诗作”。他的祖父母均为非洲奴隶。第一次读到这首诗是在Audrey Niffenegger的The Time Traveler's Wife(《时间旅行者的妻子》)前言部分,这也是一本动人的小说。

  • 威廉·布莱克《歌谣》:他把百合花插到我的发间 Song - William Blake

    14/07/2015 Duración: 51s

    Song William BlakeHow sweet I roam&`&d from field to field, And tasted all the summer&`&s pride,&`&Till I the prince of love beheld,Who in the sunny beams did glide!He shew&`&d me lilies for my hair,And blushing roses for my brow;He led me through his gardens fair,Where all his golden pleasures grow.With sweet May dews my wings were wet,And Phoebus fir&`&d my vocal rage;He caught me in his silken net,And shut me in his golden cage.He loves to sit and hear me sing,Then, laughing, sports and plays with me;Then stretches out my golden wing,And mocks my loss of liberty. 歌谣威廉·布莱克(袁可嘉、查良铮 译)我在田野里快乐地游荡, 遍尝到夏日的一切骄矜; 直到我看见爱情之王随着太阳的光线而飘行。 他把百合花插到我的发间, 鲜红的玫瑰接在我的前额; 他领我走过他的花园, 那儿长满他金色的欢乐。 他的翅膀沾着五月的露, 菲伯燃起了我的歌喉; 他用丝网突然将我网住, 就把我在他的金笼拘留。 他喜欢坐下同我歌唱, 唱完了,又和我笑闹不休,他会拉开我金色的翅膀, 嘲弄我何以失去自由。[雪梨有话说]威廉姆·布莱克(1757-1827),英国浪漫主义诗人、版画家。 主要诗作有诗集Song of Innocence (《纯真之歌》)和Songs of Experience(《经验之歌》),诗歌文字和形式简单,信念和观察却深刻。他一生以绘画和雕版的劳酬过着简单平静的创作生活,直到十九、二十世纪之交,叶芝等人重编了他的诗集,接着又发表了他的书信、笔记和画作,才确立了他的地位。

  • 莎士比亚《十四行诗18》Shall I Compare thee to a Summer's Day

    14/07/2015 Duración: 01min

    Sonnet 18William ShakespeareShall I compare thee to a summer&`&s day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate:Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,And summer&`&s lease hath all too short a date;Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,And often is his gold complexion dimm&`&d;And every fair from fair sometime declines,By chance or nature&`&s changing course untrimm&`&d;But thy eternal summer shall not fade,Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow&`&st;Nor shall Death brag thou wander&`&st in his shade,When in eternal lines to time thou grow&`&st:So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.十四行诗第十八首莎士比亚(长风 译)我如何能把你与夏日比较?尽管你的美丽和温柔远超:狂风肆虐五月柔嫩的花苞,孟夏永叹吉日良辰的短少:日光普照下时而炎热难当,夕阳西沉处往往金辉黯淡;无奈花开花谢里红颜易伤,苦于滚滚红尘中世事无常;唯有你好似永夏经年不衰,不失优雅气质而风华绝代;死亡阴霾遮掩不住的美态,定格不朽诗篇的字里行外:只要人文延续,诵读不止,传承此诗,你也流芳百世。(王道余 译)以君比夏日,未知君可愿?君自更可爱,君亦更温婉:五月娇花蕾,狂风吹落散,夏季何短暂,倏忽已过完.日头高悬天,有时吐烈焰.金黄灿烂脸,常常转阴暗;美丽随时减,日久终不艳,若非遇不测,自然亦使变.君当长为夏,历历不暗淡,美丽君拥有,保留至永远.死神虽不惭,不敢

  • 狄金森《我不能和你一起生活》I Cannot Live with You - Emily Dickinson

    13/07/2015 Duración: 01min

    I cannot live with You --Emily DickinsonI cannot live with You --It would be Life --And Life is over there --Behind the ShelfThe Sexton keeps the Key to --Putting upOur Life -- His Porcelain --Like a Cup --Discarded of the Housewife --Quaint -- or Broke --A newer Sevres pleases --Old Ones crack --I could not die -- with You --For One must waitTo shut the Other&`&s Gaze down --You -- could not --And I -- Could I stand byAnd see You -- freeze --Without my Right of Frost --Death&`&s privilege?Nor could I rise -- with You --Because Your FaceWould put out Jesus&`& --That New GraceGlow plain -- and foreignOn my homesick Eye --Except that You than HeShone closer by --They&`&d judge Us -- How --For You -- served Heaven -- You know,Or sought to --I could not --Because You saturated Sight --And I had no more EyesFor sordid excellenceAs ParadiseAnd were You lost, I would be --Though My NameRang loudestOn the Heavenly fame --And were You -- saved --And I -- condemned to beWhere You were no

  • 雪莱《致…》:有如飞蛾向往星天 To —— Percy Bysshe Shelley

    12/07/2015 Duración: 41s

    To——P. B. ShelleyOne word is too often profanedFor me to profane it,One feeling too falsely distainedFor thee to distain it;One hope is too like despairFor prudence to smother,And pity from thee more dearThan that from another.I can give not what men call love,But wilt thou accept notThe worship the heart lifts aboveAnd the Heavens reject not, ——The desire of the moth for the star,Of the night for the morrow,The devotion to something afarFrom the sphere of our sorrow?致...雪莱有一个字被太多人滥用,我不愿再滥用它;有一种感情太不被看重,你岂能再轻视它;有一种希望太似绝望,世俗的慎重也无法压碎它;只求怜悯起自你心上,对我比什么万分珍贵。我无法奉献那被称作爱情之物,但你该不致见外我从心底呈上崇拜,连上天对它都肯垂青!有如飞蛾向往星天,暗夜想拥抱天明,怎能不让悲惨的尘寰对遥远事物倾心?Colette有话说:波西·别希·雪莱(1792-1822),英国浪漫主义诗人。由于散发《无神论的必然》,入学不足一年就被牛津大学开除。1818年至1819年完成了两部重要的长诗《解放了的普罗米修斯》和《倩契》,以及其不朽的名作《西风颂》。因私生活为社会不容,远走意大利,不久在海上遇难身亡,年方三十。

  • 惠特曼《致陌生人》:我毫不怀疑我们将会重逢 To a Stranger - Whitman

    11/07/2015 Duración: 01min

    To a StrangerWalt WhitmanPassing stranger! you do not knowHow longingly I look upon you,You must be he I was seeking,Or she I was seeking(It comes to me as a dream)I have somewhere surelyLived a life of joy with you,All is recall&`&d as we flit by each other,Fluid, affectionate, chaste, matured,You grew up with me,Were a boy with me or a girl with me,I ate with you and slept with you, your body has becomenot yours only nor left my body mine only,You give me the pleasure of your eyes,face, flesh as we pass,You take of my beard, breast, hands,in return,I am not to speak to you, I am to think of youwhen I sit alone or wake at night, aloneI am to wait, I do not doubt I am to meet you againI am to see to it that I do not lose you.致陌生人惠特曼(自译)过路的陌生人啊!你可知道,我是多么热切地注视着你,你必定是我寻觅的他,或是我所寻觅的她。(这于我而言宛如梦境降临)我肯定曾与你在某处共同快乐地生活,当我们擦肩而过,往日种种浮现眼前,自由、深情、纯洁、成熟,你曾与我一同成长,是同我作伴的男孩,亦或同我作伴的女孩。我们吃在一块睡在一块,你的肉体不再仅仅是你自己的肉体,我的肉体也不单属于我自己,你的眼、面孔、肉体给予我喜悦,我的胡须、胸膛、双手同样也给你带来快乐。我不会与你攀谈,我会思念你,当我独坐或在深夜独自醒来,我将等待,我毫不怀疑我们将会重逢。我决不会再失去你。[雪梨有话说]沃尔特·

  • 济慈《夜莺颂》Ode to a Nightingale - John Keats

    10/07/2015 Duración: 04min

    Ode to a NightingaleJohn Keats夜莺颂济慈(查良铮 译) My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains我的心在痛,困顿和麻木 My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk, 刺进了感官有如饮过毒鸩 Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains 又像是刚把鸦片吞服 One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk: 於是向列斯忘川下沉 &`&Tis not through envy of thy happy lot, 并不是我忌妒你的好运 But being too happy in thine happiness -- 而是你的快乐使我太欢欣-- That thou, light-winged Dryad of the trees, 因为在林间嘹亮的天地里 In some melodious plot 你呵,轻翅的仙灵 Of beechen green, and shadows numberless, 你躲进山毛榉的葱绿和荫影 Singest of summer in full-throated ease.放开了歌喉,歌唱著夏季 O, for a draught of vintage! that hath been 唉,要是有一口酒,那冷藏 Cooled a long age in the deep-delved earth, 在地下多年的清醇饮料 Tasting of Flora and the country green, 一尝就令人想起绿色之邦 Dance, and Provencal song, and sunburnt mirth! 想起花神,恋歌,阳光和舞蹈 O for a beaker full of the warm South, 要是有一杯南国的温暖 Full of the true, the blushful Hippocrene, 充满了鲜红的灵感之泉 With beaded bubbles winking at the brim, 杯缘明灭著珍珠的泡沫 And purple-stained mouth, 给嘴唇染上紫斑 That I may drink, and leave the world

  • 《不要温和地走进那良夜》Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night - Dylan Thomas

    09/07/2015 Duración: 01min

    Do Not Go Gentle into that Good NightDylan ThomasDo not go gentle into that good night, 不要温和地走进那个良夜,Old age should burn and rave at close of day; 白昼将尽,暮年仍应燃烧咆哮;Rage, rage against the dying of the light.怒斥吧,怒斥光的消逝。Though wise men at their end know dark is right,虽然在白昼尽头,智者自知该踏上夜途,Because their words had forked no lightning they因为言语未曾迸发出电光,他们 Do not go gentle into that good night.不要温和地走进那个良夜。Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright好人,当最后一浪过去,高呼着他们脆弱的善行Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, 本来也许可以在绿湾上快意地舞蹈,Rage, rage against the dying of the light. 他们怒斥,怒斥光的消逝。 Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, 狂人抓住稍纵即逝的阳光,为之歌唱,And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way, 并意识到,太迟了,他们过去总为时光伤逝,Do not go gentle into that good night.不要温和地走进那个良夜。Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight 严肃的人,在生命尽头,用模糊的双眼看到Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, 失明的眼可以像流星般闪耀,欢欣雀跃,Rage, rage against the dying of the light. 他们怒斥,怒斥光的消逝。   And you, my father, there on the sad height, 而您,我的父亲,在生命那悲哀之极,Cu

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