A community that empowers, supports and mentors women entrepreneurs, worldwide.
Business Networking for Women Entrepreneurs
18/02/2022 Duración: 41minBusiness Networking for Women Entrepreneurs is a great podcast episode, especially for those starting in entrepreneurship or their careers. We learn from our expert Mark Herschberg how to network the right way. Because, as Mark says, networking is relationship building for the long term and it is important to have the right people in your network. In this podcast you will discover What is the key to networking? How should people build their network? Who should be in your network? How do you build a relationship? When should people network? How are people doing it wrong? You talk about how people misuse the concept out networking in outreach, can you explain? You mention that everyone has something to offer in their network, can you explain how? Does that apply to students and junior employees? Why are introductions you make between others a powerful networking tool? What’s the proper way to make an introduction?
Google Ads versus Social Media Ads
10/02/2022 Duración: 35minThere is a difference between google ads versus social media ads and our podcast guest expert, Samantha Gernhart explains the purpose of each type of ad. Google ads are for the search journey and social media ads are more for behaviour and intent to purchase. Knowing the difference between Google Ads versus Social Media Ads can help you spend your advertising dollars, wisely. In this podcast you will discover: What are Google Ads? What are Social Media Ads? What is the difference between the two? Benefits of Google Ads Benefits of Social Media Ads When to use each one?
How to Get in Shape and Stay in Shape, no Matter How Busy You Are
01/02/2022 Duración: 42minHow to get in shape and stay in shape isn't as hard as it seems reveals our weight loss specialist, Stavros Mastrogiannis. However, the goal for all of us is sustainable weight loss and Stavros explains how we can achieve this, too! In this podcast you will discover How can you fit in a workout when you are very busy? Most women entrepreneurs are very busy people, how can they find time to plan healthy meals? As you know cravings are part of life especially when you are under stress. What is the best way to deal with cravings? How can you eat healthy when you have lunch and dinner meetings all the time? You are an expert on helping people achieve sustainable weight loss, but yourself never had a weight problem. How can you understand people with a weight problem? The vast majority of people who lose weight regain the weight back. What is your opinion as to why most people can’t keep the weight off?
5 Ways to Use Speaking to Enroll Great Clients and Live a Globetrotting Lifestyle
26/01/2022 Duración: 33minOur podcast guest, Moira Ni Ghallachoir talks about 5 ways to use speaking to enroll great clients. She outlines her step by step plan that she used when starting out on the speaking circuit. It's not at all complicated and Moira says any coach, consultant and service provider can follow her blueprint to have similar success. Her journey from speaking at local events to being on the same stage as Les Brown was a step by step process. In this podcast you will discover: How Moira discovered speaking Why don't more women (coaches, consultants and service providers) speak? What are the secrets to betting booked on more stages How does Moira use speaking to globetrot the world What are the ways you can monetize speaking? What is the biggest lesson Moira has learned from speaking?
Goal Planning - The Importance of Turning Goals into SMART Goals
21/01/2022 Duración: 29minMoving into 2022, getting organized and planning is so necessary for small business. The importance of turning goals into SMART goals is the key to success. Our podcast guest, Anna Yu, President of Yu Consulting Group, explains how we can get organized and plan for business growth. In this podcast you will discover: Why is it so important to establish goals? What questions should one ask themselves when setting goals? We hear about SMART goals – find out more about this Tips for folks once they have set their goals?
How to Create a Business Comeback Strategy
13/01/2022 Duración: 43minMany small businesses are struggling financially at the moment and so it's a good time to think about how to create a business comeback strategy. Our podcast guest, Anne Gannon, CPA talks about why a business needs to know their numbers and understand their accounting in order to make wise decisions about their future. How can a business owner really understand their accounting? Is it ever too late for a business? What is one thing a business owner should do weekly to improve accounting? What did Anne learn from playing a sport at a high level and how can this be applied to business? What is it like to balance being a mom with being an entrepreneur?
Preventing Burnout With Effective Stress Management Strategies
06/01/2022 Duración: 33minEntrepreneurship can be a hard road with many bumps along the way to success. Preventing burnout with effective stress management strategies is therefore an important part of navigating the entrepreneurial world. Our podcast guest, Bonita Eby is a specialist at preventing burnout and is on a mission to stamp it out completely! In this podcast you will learn How burnout can affect us What symptoms Bonita experienced when she was going through burnout How are stress and burnout related? How to respond to the constant media barrage? What strategies Bonita recommends for peak performance Stress is part of life, so what are effective stress management strategies?
Challenging the Imposter Syndrome with Your Authenticity Code
01/01/2022 Duración: 29minWomen entrepreneurs are challenging the imposter syndrome and regardless of their age are forging their own paths, according to our podcast guest, Sandy Stamato. Sandy says it may be time to start that new business, reinvent your career and become a "limb dweller". If you are fascinated to understand the "limb dweller" spirit, this podcast is a must. You will discover: What is a Limb Dweller? How do you see Imposter Syndrome show up in business owners? What are some ways you help people challenge their Imposter Syndrome? Why do you think it’s more important now than ever to talk about Imposter Syndrome? Tell me a little bit more about the Authenticity Code What’s one things people can do to start addressing their imposter syndrome?
It's Scary to Quit Your Full-time Job and Start Your Own Business
22/12/2021 Duración: 25minCould you quit your full-time job and start your own business? In this podcast we talk to Stephanie Long about how she founded her SEO business. In this podcast she frankly discusses these questions. What specifically about her situation was frustrating? Did StephanieI have a thoughtful, realistic plan for starting her own business? Did she have the support of my family and friends? How is she cutting expenses while building my business? Does quitting fit into her greater plan? Ultimately, what does she want for your job, career, and life?
How Can You Create a Month-long Content Plan in 30 Minutes
18/12/2021 Duración: 33minWouldn't you like to learn how you can create a month-long content plan in 30 Minutes? Well, this is the right place to learn all the tricks to quick content creation with our expert Allie Martin, of Shelbyville, Kentucky. In this podcast, Allie answers the following questions: What types of content work best? How does social media convert into customers? What's an example of a post you've crafted that received outstanding engagement? What are the three biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make with their social media? How does social media further visibility? What is one thing listeners can do today to up their social media game?
How Productivity and Mindfulness Can Improve Business
08/12/2021 Duración: 31minHow productivity and mindfulness can improve business depends on where you put your energy explains our podcast guest, Dr. Brooke Smith. Sometimes it's as simple as asking these questions...1) does it bring you joy?, 2) do you want to?, 3) Is this a big thing to move me forward? If we are mindful, then we can become much more productive. In this podcast we explore 1. Why do so many of us feel like there isn’t enough time to do everything on our list? 2. How can nurturing the mind/body connection boost productivity? 3. Why is striving for control counterproductive? 4. How can we start letting go of control? 5. To avoid overcommitting, how do you decide what to say "yes" to? 6. What's your advice for fempreneurs who feel compelled to say "yes" to everything?
Letting Go of the Hustle Culture
02/12/2021 Duración: 29minGetting that life/work balance right for YOU can be a challenge and perhaps you need to consider letting go of the hustle culture? But if letting go of the hustle culture scares you because of FOMO (fear of missing out) then our podcast with Sarah Dawn from Scottsdale, Arizona could help you create success in your personal and professional life. In this podcast you will discover: What did burnout look like for Sarah Dawn in her own career? How did she overcome it? How does Sarah Dawn's business help others overcome it as well? What other pain points does Sarah Dawn uncover How can we become the leader our team wants to follow? How do we shift from people pleasers into people who make the right decisions for our business?
Developing an Industry Collective for Women Founders in the Beauty Industry
22/11/2021 Duración: 37minDeveloping an industry collective for women founders in the beauty industry is the inspiration of Carol Christopher, CEO of Ellis Day Skin Science. It was founded on the belief that although members of the collective are competitors in the beauty industry,the collective would create a space for mutual education, mentoring and awareness-building. Over 300 founders have joined this industry collective and what a great idea it has proven to be. Could you form a collective in your industry? In this podcast you will discover: How Carol decided to start a collective for science-focused women founders/CEO’s in the beauty industry? What were the most important steps in getting the collective off the ground? (building worldwide awareness, getting women to join, etc.) What were the surprises in how the women of the collective interacted and worked on the collective initiatives? What, if any, have been the disappointments or challenges of maintaining and growing the collective? What are a few examples of how Carol
Breaking Into the Tech World With No Tech Experience
18/11/2021 Duración: 22minOur podcast guest, Inbal Claudio has taken a big leap, breaking into the tech world with no tech experience! This bold move came as a result of discovering so many platforms were out of the reach of many small businesses. She is setting out to change that. In this podcast you will discover - How Inbal came up with the idea for Like Minded? - What has been her biggest challenge while building out your platform? - Why this platform differs from other influencer marketing businesses? - What’s the biggest misconception that people have when it comes to influencer marketing? - What personal hurdles she encountered over the year and a half it took Inbal to launch Like Minded? - If Inbal could change one thing about the way she approached this company, what would it be?
Digital Transformation
11/11/2021 Duración: 30minWhat is Digital Transformation? Tacie Avedikian from Clovis, California will explain. Tacie is an experienced digital transformation specialist working with customer behaviors, and technology so that companies can re-invent the way interact with their customers. In this podcast you will learn: The ins and outs of digital transformation Networking best practices Building your personal brand Quantitative research Social selling in business to business Being a successful woman in sales
Spiritual Leadership, Creating a Culture Where Everyone Wins
02/11/2021 Duración: 32minSpiritual leadership means creating a culture where everyone wins and there are specific principles that need to be executed to be a spiritual leader. Stephen D'Angelo is our business expert guest for this podcast. Stephen has written a book "A single Day of Peace", which is a guide for self-empowerment. There is so much to learn from Stephen's wide range of expertise if you are looking to improve your leadership skills. In this podcast you will discover: The idea of spiritual leadership What are the 9 principles of spiritual leadership Of these 9 principles, which ones do leaders fall short on the most Examples of where leaders have vioated the principles and the result How can leaders execute the 9 principles and how do they know they are working?
Funding Your Business Without the Banks
27/10/2021 Duración: 31minDid you know you could be funding your business without the banks? Our podcast guest, Daniel Blue, gives you the strategies to help you start or grow your business without bank funding. But wait....we talk about a lot more than just funding your business without the banks! Having a successful business isn't just about the money and if you listen in your will learn so much if you are just starting your business. You will also discover: The importance of your personal credit score Funding your business with your zero percent interest credit card Leveraging good debt to fund your startup or growth Profitable systems Taking the emotion out of your business to analyze your strengths and weaknesses
Stop Pivoting and Start Pirouetting
21/10/2021 Duración: 35minAre you taking the opportunities that the pandemic has offered? It's time to stop pivoting and start pirouetting. Marie Hale, has started a revolution, changing the way work works, especially for women! Changes in the workplace for women since COVID-19, has led to the mass resignation of women from the traditional workplace. In this podcast we explore this new revolution and how it changes the way women work now and in the future. In this podcast you will discover: Marie's revolution - what made her move into action? How Marie is you taking the steps to get there? When things aren’t going the way Marie thought, how does she stay focused? What is Marie seeing now that she has shifted her mission? What can other entrepreneurs do to compete with big corporations? What is the end game for Marie?
Advice From a Serial Entrepreneur
14/10/2021 Duración: 53minAdvice from a serial entrepreneur with the experience of our podcast guest from Silicon Valley, Dave Liu is invaluable. He is a Wall Street Veteran, an investor and is also a serial entrepreneur taking businesses from zero to billions. We talk about many topics that can specifically help women entrepreneurs both grow their own business and if they are in the Corporate sphere, learn how to navigate the Corporate game using tips, tricks and smartcuts. In this podcast you will discover: 1) I want to expand my business, what is the best way to get investors interested? 2) I have been a solo entrepreneur for a while wearing many hats, I know when my business grows I need to be more of a leader, what kind of skills should I develop? 3) I have been in an unfulfilling career and I'm thinking of becoming an entrepreneur, what should be my first steps in order to transition? 4) Are there transferrable skills from my corporate life to becoming an entrepreneurial startup? 5) What is your best advice to women on how
Find the Fortune in Your Email List
06/10/2021 Duración: 28minMelanie Herchorn, this week's podcast guest, will help you find the fortune in your email list because an email list isn't dead. Relying on social media such as Facebook, or Instagram as your only communication tool can be dangerous as we found out recently when Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp were all down for over six hours. In this podcast we will explore Is email marketing dead? How do I grow an email list? What kinds of emails should I write? How often should I email my list? Why am I leaving money on the table when I don't email my subscribers? How can I come up with content for my emails?