The Vital Veda Podcast: Ayurveda | Holistic Health | Cosmic And Natural Law



The Vital Veda Podcast is a show for people who intend to live the most evolutionary life at their highest potential, while experiencing total wellness and bliss. Our host Dylan Smith brings you the most inspiring interviews with thought leaders and experts from around the world in the fields of health, spirituality, personal development and natural law. Dylan Smith is an Ayurvedic practitioner, holistic health educator and exponent of Vedic wisdom. He is devoted to learning, sharing and radiating this profound knowledge for everyone to utilise and enjoy.Enliven your natural capability to tune into your own body and mind, awaken your instincts and engage in life in a frictionless flow. Find out more at


  • The Lost Art of Community & Fundamental Men’s Business | Tony Tow #116

    02/08/2023 Duración: 01h08min

    Join us for a powerful and transformative episode centered around men’s mental and emotional health, and the quest to establish a conscious connection with the Divine Masculine.Our special guest, Tony Tow, a seasoned professional executive coach, facilitator, and leadership expert, leads the way in creating spaces for men to heal emotional trauma and foster meaningful connections with other conscious individuals.In this episode, Tony shares profound insights, drawing from his expertise in guiding men towards emotional healing and personal growth. Together, we explore the challenges men encounter in expressing their emotions authentically and the significance of nurturing mental well-being.Through candid discussions and practical advice, we unravel the transformative power of embracing vulnerability and breaking free from societal expectations.Join us on this enlightening journey as we delve into the depths of men's work, discovering how the conscious connection to the Divine Masculine can pave the way fo

  • The Alcohol-Free Revolution | James Swanwick #115

    19/07/2023 Duración: 01h01min

    Dive into a captivating conversation on the Vital Veda Podcast as we explore the transformative realm of an alcohol-free lifestyle with James Swanwick, a renowned speaker and facilitator on connecting, functioning and relating consciously.Join us as we embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, uncovering the profound impact an alcohol-free lifestyle can have on your physical and mental well-being. James shares his wisdom on transforming societal norms, navigating rites of passage, and discovering the bright road ahead while embracing conscious partying and challenging conventional beliefs. Delve into intriguing questions and gain insights on living a fulfilling and embodied alcohol-free lifestyle. Tune in to unlock the secrets of a vibrant, liberated existence with James Swanwick.IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS:

  • From Nature's Treasure to Potential Poison: Unveiling the Truth about Heated Honey | Dylan Smith #114

    05/07/2023 Duración: 35min

    Honey, nature’s sweet nectar, was considered by the ancient Vedic sages as one of the most exceptional food items available to mankind. It offers unique and very potent medicinal properties, BUT only when used properly.In stark contrast, honey when heated is considered fatal and is classified as toxic poison. Not only did ancient Vedic sages clearly warn civilisations about this, but now modern science is proving ancient wisdom by confirming the toxicity of heated honey.We personally consider heated honey as the #1 Biggest Flaw in The Post Modern Era Diet.IN THIS EPSIODE WE DISCUSS:

  • Breaking Free from Domestication: The Power of ReWilding | Daniel Vitalis, Modern Day Hunter Gatherer #113

    22/06/2023 Duración: 01h29min

    Dive into the fundamental, revolutionary concept of rewilding with Daniel Vitalis, a renowned speaker on health, human anthropology, and wild food.Daniel is a provocative and controversial speaker, which is one of the reasons he is one of my personal favourite speakers.Daniel is a “real-deal”, no “BS” kind of guy, who is well articulated, well researched and has some fascinating and dynamic life experiences.Discover how our domesticated lifestyles have led to a decline in physical and mental health, increased chronic diseases, and a lack of fulfillment.Daniel sheds light on our disconnection from food and the natural world, emphasising the importance of developing meaningful relationships with the creatures and plants that sustain us. Through intimate killings, hunting, and foraging, he explores the original human diet, natural human living and the benefits of embracing diversity in our food choices. Join us on this journey of rediscovery as we learn how to break free from domestication and reconnect with our

  • Exercise: The Ayurvedic View & Proper Exercise (Vyāyāmā) | Dylan Smith #112

    07/06/2023 Duración: 31min

    What does true exercise actually look like?How can we reap the maximum health benefits from our movement practice?Beyond inflated six packs and good looks, although those physiological changes may manifest, the ancient Ayurvedic seers shared physiological benefits of proper exercise, and how to reap the results, all in the name of health.They also shared how to do this without potentially damaging your physiology, as improper exercise is currently quite persistent in our modern day culture.In fact, what a lot of people are practicing in the gyms today would be more appropriately referred to as “body-building” or increasing heart-rate and stressing the body out. While these practices may provide some benefit, I want to share with you the principles of Ayurveda, the laws of Nature, and how you can integrate that knowledge into your exercise routine.Because a fact of reality is that every body, every body’s needs and every type of movement and exercise is different and unique.Utilising Ayurvedic principles can s

  • Ancient Secrets to Living a Blissful Life | Anand Mehrotra, Himalayan Master #111

    24/05/2023 Duración: 47min

    Himālayan Master Anand Mehrotra, founder of Sattva Yoga, shares ancient secrets and time-tested wisdom on all the ways in which we can live a more blissful life.You'll gain a whole new understanding of what 'Bliss' is, and feel inspired and empowered with practical ways you can enliven and cultivate Bliss in your daily life.This recording was part of a webinar event. Before the interview, Anand shared a technique called 'Cultivating the Subtle Bliss' which activates Bliss within using techniques of Pranayama and Kriya directly from the Himalayas.Check out the Youtube Video on One Eleven Health to undergo this practice. IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS:

  • Fundamentals of Security, Situational Awareness, Cyber-Security & Prevention. Become an Asset, not a Liability | Luke Holloway, founder of Raw Combat International #110

    10/05/2023 Duración: 01h26min

    This is definitely the most uncustomary conversation I have had on the Vital Veda Podcast show.By uncustomary I mean our guest, my friend Luke, talks about violence and swears more than any other guest that has been on this show.HOWEVER, the reason why this is relevant and we recorded this podcast episode is because Luke’s work and approach is very aligned with the Vaidyas - natural law, and even specially Ayurveda, how nature governs health.Luke is a big proponent of prevention and expanding awareness. If you apply Lukes teachings with the right mindset, that will be playing a big role in your physical and mental health and wellness.IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS:

  • Promote Healthy Bowel Motion Each Morning & Overcome Constipation | Dylan Smith #109

    26/04/2023 Duración: 32min

    You should be having a complete bowel motion each and every morning, before any food, coffee or tea.Improper elimination of waste products, specifically the bowels is a very common imbalance I see this a lot in my patients, and it not only drastically affects our physical health but our mental as well.In this episode I break down why Ayurveda gives utmost importance to daily, regular and natural bowel motions, as well as the best Ayurvedic practices & natural methods to aid in cases of constipation. A heads up: proper elimination and cleansing of toxins and waste products is one of the main factors that deems an individual to be “established in health” according to Ayurveda.IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS:

  • Overcoming Chronic Health Defects & Toughest Obstacles, From Incontinence to Confidence & Disability to Nobility | Ajna Christoffersen #108

    12/04/2023 Duración: 33min

    Being born with a congenital chronic disease can be one of life's biggest challenges. For many it may become a devastating & disempowering condition, but some very special humans have a way of turning obstacles into opportunities, blessings even.On this episode Dylan sits down with Ajna Christoffersen, who was born with VACTERL Association Syndrome, a disease that essentially rendered her unable to ingest any foods, have normal bowel & urinary function, breathe with ease,  as well as renal and cardiac capacity & more. However, while managing on a daily basis her wavering physical health, undergoing 50+ surgeries and 150+ hospital admissions, Ajna still managed to turn the tables on life and use the cards she was dealt with to become an internationally renowned runway model, disability advocate and motivational speaker. If you are looking for inspiration on how to look at life through a different lens, and how to turn obstacles into opportunities for growth & service, as well as how to put

  • Aligning with Your Deeper Self for Greater Purpose in Life | Kute Blackson #107

    29/03/2023 Duración: 01h06min

    Living life in alignment with our dharma means every action we take in life is in accordance with the most evolutionary thing we can be doing in any given movement.In fact, Ayurvedic medicine is the Science of Life to not only live with maximum health, but also to to live with the four main attributes of human fulfilment (“chat puruṣa“):1. Artha - Infinite abundance2. Kama - Absolute presence with richness of life3. Mokṣa - Freedom and liberation4. and… (this is the first one)… DHARMA - Living a truely purposeful life performing the most evolutionary actions in any given moment in order to uplift and interact with society successfully for greater harmony.On this episode we had the pleasure of sitting down with Kute Blackson, a world renowned best-selling author and motivational speaker, who with immense eloquence and grace breaks down key principles to live life in a more joyous, impactful and “dharmic” manner. By the early age of 8 years old Kute was already speaking to congregations of hundreds of people at

  • Foraging for Wild Foods At Your Doorstep | Diego Bonetto #106

    16/03/2023 Duración: 01h21min

    Indigenous knowledge loss and a disproportionate mistrust for wild produce has given way for a society of disconnected living. We no longer know the names of the plants living on our doorsteps; we distrust and dismiss some of the most important food and medicine plants that have always walked with us as our co-evolutionary species.But let me tell you, food is literally all around you. You probably have PLENTY of highly nutritious and life-force rich foods growing within 3 meters of where you are right now.To tell the story of plants is Diego Bonetto’s passion, and in this episode he very eloquently shares some of the rich and inspiring foraging wisdom he has accumulated over several decades of reverently communing with nature. Popularly known as “The Weedy One”, Diego has developed a beautiful reciprocal loving relationship with weeds and wild flora in general, which is truly palpable and contagious. IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS:

  • Embracing Minimalism To Be More Efficient & Light In Your Day-To-Day Life | Light Watkins #105

    02/03/2023 Duración: 01h02min

    Light Watkins has been living a minimalist lifestyle for 4 years, living from a backpack, and has found this to be one way to enhance his spiritual evolution. Light is a renowned Vedic Meditation teacher, bestselling author and keynote speaker who is now integrating Spiritual Minimalism into his life and teachings.The Spiritual Minimalist approach differs from “mainstream minimalism” and creates impactful positive change in our communities and the world at large. You’ll hear about the backpack that Light has been living from for the past few years, and get a peek into the minimalist lifestyle he embraces.This episode is filled with insightful and rich wisdom, where simplicity meets abundance, and deeper contentment is found in the smallest of places.IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS:

  • Coffee, Whisky & Lord Shiva: Integrating Ayurvedic & Tantric Algorithms with AI, DNA Energy & Mahāśivarātri: The Great Night of Transcendence | Dr Sumit Kesarkar #104

    15/02/2023 Duración: 01h13min

    Unpack and process Ayurvedic algorithms in order to apply them to modern actions like drinking coffee and alcohol, GMO food production and breathing exercises (pranayama).Dr Sumit K. in fact is researching and applying the medicinal benefits of coffee and single-malt whisky. For those who want to drink coffee and alcohol, this episode may guide you to refine your relationship with consuming substances. Dr Sumit also frequently hikes ruthless pilgrimages into the high Himālayas in search for Ayurvedic herbs, ancient village healers and to commune with the Vedic Energy of Lord Shiva: that Absolute untouched Silence and force of nature which removes irrelevancy.  This episode decodes some of Ayurveda’s teachings around substances, the six tastes, and other more occult & rare Vedic technologies.After all, according to Ayurveda, EVERYTHING in the universe can be medicine when you know how to transform that substance.IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS:

  • Studying Ayurveda: Begin &/or Enhance Healing Knowledge & Skills | Dylan Smith #103

    25/01/2023 Duración: 45min

    Are you interested in studying Ayurveda? Do you want to integrate Ayurvedic wisdom and healing techniques into your offerings as a practitioner of any sort?Or do you want to deepen your understanding and learn about this “Mother of Medicines” for yourself, family or friends.Perhaps you are curious, and whenever you immerse in potent Vedic wisdom, it lights up your heart.Well, if you feel a yes to these questions, this podcast episode is designed for you!IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS:

  • Japa, Mantra, Sound Energy, Rites of Passage & Expert Guidance | Swami Purnachaitanya #102

    11/01/2023 Duración: 01h35min

    Mantras are sound vibrations that harness the subtle energies of this creation.When used in a proper way that considers the various influences that come from our local environment and beyond, the mantras can help improve different areas of life.Sound vibrations can create and support profound and positive changes in our own physiology, those around us, the wider community and society.Join Swami Purnachaitanya, who for over 15 years has been studying and teaching the Science of Mantras to harness specific sound vibrations to interact with Natural Law for greater evolution. Swamiji offers expert advice to utilise the power and sacredness of sound safely and effectively.IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS:

  • Top 3 Episodes of 2022: Summary of Vital Wisdom from the Experts | Dylan Smith #101

    28/12/2022 Duración: 26min

    What a year of interviews (and solo shows) on the topics of health, consciousness, and natural law, aka “The Veda”. In this episode I give a brief summary of my personal top 3 favourite episodes of 2022 as well as your (the audience) favourite episodes, and the wisdom that was shared by experts in their fields.Plus, I list a few extra episodes that nearly made the cut, in honour of these high-class interviews.I also give a sneak synopsis preview of the AWESOME interviews yet to be released in 2023, some very special ways to learn and study authentic Ayurveda in 2023, as well as Your (our audience’s) most listened to podcast episodes of 2022.So if you are not a die-hard who has listened to every episode of the VV Podcast, this episode is a great way to be directed to the best episodes of 2022, as a starting point of course to the portal of wisdom within the Vital Veda Podcast archives.IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS:

  • Healing Mental Health Epidemics & Eating Disorders w/ the World’s Largest Love-Based Movement in Human History | Nicole Gibson #100

    14/12/2022 Duración: 01h09min

    Nicole Gibson has a vision to facilitate the world’s largest love-based movement in human history.After healing from a life-threatening experience of anorexia nervosa, Nicole began to become an unstoppable messenger of love and human potential.She was a finalist for the Young Australian of the Year at 20 years old, listed as one of Australia’s top 100 most influential women at 21 and became the the youngest Commonwealth Commissioner for Mental Health leading a $37 billion budget in an attempt to rectify the mental health epidemic.It’s time we stop seeing love as a romanticised cliche, and begin to harness it’s true power to transform, heal and create.IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS:

  • Circumcision: Traditional Wisdom or Genital Mutilation? Healthy or a Violation of Human Rights? | Brendon Marotta #099

    30/11/2022 Duración: 01h36min

    A must listen for every human! Especially if you are going to birth a son in the near future.Circumcision is the most popular medical surgery in USA today. But somehow it got to the point of it being performed for health reasons more that religious reasons. However, the claimed “health benefits” are based on flawed science, and in contrast, circumcision has alarming health and traumatic dangers.But is there valuable ancient wisdom based in this rite of passage that religious and indigenous cultures have been performing for centuries?Or has the essence of these rite of passages been misunderstood?Is circumcision a violation of human rights? or are parents confidently making responsible and informed decisions?Our guest, filmmaker, public speaker and very passionate and active man, Brendon Marotta, made an award winning film: American circumcision, which presents science and opinions from both sides of the decision - to circumcise or not.  The film presents religious leaders, doctors, lawyers and human rights sp

  • Vedic Influence In The West | Philip Goldberg #098

    16/11/2022 Duración: 01h05min


  • Spiritual Lessons w/ Infertility, Blissful Pregnancy, Empowered Birth & Wholesome Motherhood | Melissa Ambrosini #097

    30/10/2022 Duración: 01h24min

    The #1 most common thing I see in my clinic are those planning to conceive or those experiencing infertility.Preconception, pregnancy & postpartum  happen to be my greatest passions in health.But unfortunately, the knowledge and guidance on how to thrive during pregnancy and have an empowered birth is not easily available.Plus it is important that as communities we discuss and share experiences, practices and teachings within various circles during potentially challenging, overwhelming and transformative times.On this Vital Veda Podcast episode me and my friend & best-selling author, Melissa Ambrosini, dive into some of the best-kept secrets of supercharging your fertility, thriving during pregnancy & having your dream birth. IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS:

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