Los Tres Osos
  • Por Charles Fromme
  • Editor: Twin Sisters

Finalmente, probó la avena del tazón pequeñito de Bebé Oso, y estaba a lamedida. ¡De hecho, era tan deliciosa que ella se la comió toda! ¡Sigue este cuento clásico con el...

Los Tres Osos
  • Por Charles Fromme
  • Editor: Ubook Studio

Texto sencillo y bellas ilustraciones ayudan a contar el cuento clásico de “Los Tres Osos.” Averigua lo que sucede cuando Mamá Osa, Papá Oso y Bebé Oso vuelven a casa para...

The Three Bears
  • Por Charles Fromme
  • Editor: Ubook Studio

Simple text and adorable illustrations help tell the classic tale of “The Three Bears.” Find out what happens when Mama Bear, Papa Bear, and Baby Bear return home to find...

Cachinhos Dourados E Os Três Ursos
  • Por Charles Fromme
  • Editor: Twin Sisters

Texto simples e ilustrações adoráveis ajudam a contar a história clássica de “Os três ursos”. Descubra o que acontece quando a Mamãe Urso, o Papa Urso e o Bebê Urso...

The Three Bears
  • Por Charles Fromme
  • Editor: Twin Sisters

Finally, Goldilocks tasted the porridge from Baby Bear's teeny-tiny bowl, and it was just right. In fact, it was so delicious, she ate it all up! Follow along with the audio to...

Sleeping Beauty
  • Por Charles Fromme
  • Editor: Ubook Studio

Simple text and captivating illustrations are paired with beautiful music and fun sound-effects to help tell the classic tale of “Sleeping Beauty.” Find out what happens when...