The Winstons Book One : Becka's Awakening & Matt's Dilemma
  • Por Rowena Dawn
  • Editor: Rowena Dawn

If you like paranormal romance, then you'll love a series that features compelling characters. Rebecca Winston, angry with her husband’s betrayal and her...

Becka's Awakening: Book One - The Winstons Series
  • Por Rowena Dawn
  • Editor: Rowena Dawn

Becka wanted the power and the money. What she got was losing her heart. Becka is a witch and not a very good one. With her great-grandmother's curse hanging over her she...

Mr. (almost) Right
  • Por Rowena Dawn
  • Editor: Rowena Dawn

The clock is ticking. She’s on the hunt. He doesn’t want to be caught. Finding the right guy isn't easy for anyone and Ella is no exception. After three years...

Ochi În Întuneric (jumatatea Perfecta, #2)
  • Por Rowena Dawn
  • Editor: Rowena Dawn

Ea caută liniștea. El caută răzbunarea. Amândoi obțin ceea ce vor, dar nu fără surprize.Diane este pictoriță și o fată de la oraș. Moștenește ferma unei...

Salvarea Lui Jay: Cartea A Treia În Seria Familia Winston
  • Por Rowena Dawn
  • Editor: Rowena Dawn

Jay nu dorea decât să se amuze. În schimb, și-a pierdut inima și liniștea sufletească.Jay nu este un bărbat prea la locul lui. Poate citi mintea oamenilor, deși...

Double-edged: The Perfect Halves Series - Book One
  • Por Rowena Dawn
  • Editor: Scarlet Leaf

She was just humoring her friend. She got adventure and a soul mate. Double-Edged joins Kate, a small, independent shop owner on her quest for romance and happily ever...

Trezirea Beckăi (familia Winston, #1): Cartea 1 In Seria Familia Winston
  • Por Rowena Dawn
  • Editor: Rowena Dawn

Becka dorea puterea si banii. In schimb, si-a pierdut inima.Becka este o vrajitoare si nu una foarte buna. Blestemata de catre strabunica ei, nu are nici cea mai mica idee cum sa...

Dilema Lui Matt (cartea A Doua In Seria Familia Winston)
  • Por Rowena Dawn
  • Editor: Rowena Dawn

După o experiență nefericită, Matt Winston, membru al unei familii cu abilități paranormale urmărite de un blestem, se implică doar în relații de dragoste de...

Eyes In The Dark: The Perfect Halves Series - Book Two
  • Por Rowena Dawn
  • Editor: Scarlet Leaf

She looks for peace of mind. He looks for revenge. They both get what they want but with a twist.Diane's an artist and a city girl. She inherits her aunt's ranch house and...

Matt's Dilemma: Book 2 In The Winstons Series
  • Por Rowena Dawn
  • Editor: Rowena Dawn

Matt Winston, member of a family with paranormal abilities, is a good and caring man. After a bad experience, he enjoys only brief affairs, unwilling to engage his heart. Yet,...

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