The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

497: New Year Blues In Japan



The calendar year represents the start of a new year for many businesses. Others will be looking at April 1st for their financial year start.  Nevertheless, everyone will be facing the change of year period and it is always a great time for reflection.  The holidays should be fully occupied with family responsibilities or pure down time, to rest and recharge. Take some time when you get back to the office, to start reflecting on the coming year. Are we where we need to be in the business? Is this thought depressing? We all enter year three of Covid hell. Runaway war inspired energy shortages and inflation are now rampart globally.  It is hard to be optimistic in many industries.  Certainly my industry, the training business, hasn’t seen any daylight in the long hard night as yet. As leaders, it is good to step away from the daily grind of the business to spend some time thinking.  Usually most of our thinking time is very immediate, responding to problems and crises.  The melee of daily battle is not the best