The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

505 Managing Staff Different Commitment Levels



 Business owners have a total stake in the enterprise and a commitment level that is always peaking at maximum. They have their wealth enveloped in the business and they take on debt, risk and the trials and tribulations of business cycles.  Executives are rewarded with salaries, bonuses and profit share depending on the organisation.  If you are an executive in America, the leader packages can get up to eight and nine figures.  Your commitment is going to be massive with that amount of reward involved.  Yet, we read about leaders who fire the bottom ten percent every year or weed out all of those who are not peak performers.  What about Japan?  Executives here are modestly remunerated and the vast majority of privately held SMEs (Small Medium Enterprises) don’t make a profit by design, so they can avoid paying tax.  Instead they run as many personal expenses through the business as possible.  The idea of firing non-performers as an architectural feature of the organisation isn’t a consideration in Japan.  Th