Jami Dulaney Md Plant Based Wellness

Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast 426 with Travis and Mark Macy-One Mile at a Time



  Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  Today, I have two special guests, Travis, and Mark Macy.  They have joined me to discuss their new book, One Mile at a Time.  It is a chronicle of Mark Macy’sjourney with his family after an early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s at age 60.  Mark or Mace, as his endurance friends call him was a successful practicing attorney at the time of his diagnosis.  He has been doing ultra-endurance events for 30 years including the Leadville 100-mile race and many Eco challenge races since the 1980s.  The Eco challenge races are stage races that occur over the course of 10 days or more covering over 400 miles by rafting, mountain biking, hiking through jungles, and climbing as a team while navigating through those areas with a compass and map.   There are many forms of dementia with Alzheimer’s comprising the majority.  The diagnosis used to be made after autopsy in patients with memory loss. Now MRI scans can distinguish the formation of beta amyloid proteins and Tau proteins in the sp