The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

516 Getting To Inclusion Through Improved Communication Skills



Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are the end goal for companies today, because there is a recognition that the value derived warrants the effort.  The WHY part is certainly well understood and female manager ratios are often being set as company targets.  Key triggers to achieving a diverse workforce are through gaining inclusion within the work environment.  The issues arise though, as to just how to make that goal a reality.  Certainly, if there is an effective communication capability by the team, then understanding each other and accepting differences becomes that much easier.  We all have experienced arguments and fights with people because there has been some misunderstanding or poor communication going on, making it hard to work together. Wishing to be more inclusive is fine, but it takes work and one area is in the communication skills remit.  We can find some people too fast when they are speaking so we are not catching the detail.  There are others who may be too cryptic and we can’t plumb the meanin