Thy Strong Word From Kfuo Radio

Acts 10:44-11:18: The Gentile Pentecost



The Rev. Dr. Michael Nielson, pastor of Salem Lutheran Church in Barron, WI, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Acts 10:44-11:18. God makes clear that any barriers between Jews and Gentiles are no more in a divine display of impartial love. As Peter, a devout Jew, is compelled by divine revelations to preach to the Gentile household of Cornelius, the Holy Spirit descends upon all much to the amazement of Peter and the circumcised believers with him. Yet, when Peter returns to Jerusalem, he must face the skepticism and criticism of the other Jewish believers. The Book of Acts takes us back to the earliest days of Christianity, unveiling the incredible acts of the apostles and the growth of the early church. Acts offers a firsthand account how the Apostles and Jesus’ disciples respond to his death and resurrection. It makes us witnesses to the beginning of fulfilling Jesus’s command to spread the Gospel from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth. We encounter miracles and wonders, we see the church strugg