The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

534 Dealing With Conflict Within The Team



Japan is excellent at being two faced.  In the West, this has a pejorative air, but in Japan this is how harmony can be maintained and everyone plays their part in keeping the public and private faces far apart.  This means that a typical western approach of getting the two warring individuals into a room and thrashing out a solution usually doesn’t get very far.  In that mediated meeting, no one talks and they certainly won’t publicly voice their opinion of the other person or flag the issue of their disgruntlement.  Japanese society has learnt that some things are better not surfaced, because they can lead to an explosion from which there may no backing out.  Bringing things to a head could go nuclear and better to let the problem drift along.  Keep the issue underground and everyone will smile on the surface through gritted teeth and maintain a facade of teamwork on the surface, diligently applying two faces to the problem. The issue though is the problem never goes away and we have individuals who don’t w